Mailtausch, Mailtausches und Mailtauscher sind austauschbar."; break; case "0.1.1": // SQL queries for v0.1.1 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "HTML-Code ausgelagert in Templates und SQL-Anweisungen abgesichert."; break; case "0.1.2": // SQL queries for v0.1.2 // Update notes (these will be set as task text!) $UPDATE_NOTES = "Abspeichern von Einstellungen repariert."; break; } break; default: // Do stuff when extension is loaded $dummy = LOAD_CONFIG(); $_CONFIG = merge_array($_CONFIG, $dummy); unset($dummy); break; } // Language file prefix $EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "rewrite"; // Extension is always active? $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE = "N"; // ?>