'base_data', 'base_url' => 'base_data', 'main_title' => 'base_data', 'slogan' => 'base_data', 'webmaster' => 'base_data', // database_config 'mysql_host' => 'database_config', 'mysql_dbase' => 'database_config', 'mysql_prefix' => 'database_config', 'mysql_engine' => 'database_config', 'mysql_login' => 'database_config', 'mysql_password1' => 'database_config', 'mysql_password2' => 'database_config', // smtp_config 'smtp_host' => 'smtp_config', 'smtp_user' => 'smtp_config', 'smtp_password1' => 'smtp_config', 'smtp_password2' => 'smtp_config', // other_config 'output_mode' => 'other_config', 'warn_no_pass' => 'other_config', 'write_footer' => 'other_config', 'enable_backlink' => 'other_config', ); } // Write the local config-local.php file from "template" function doInstallWriteLocalConfigurationFile ($path, $url, $title, $slogan, $email, $noPassword, $writeFooter, $backLink, $databaseHost, $databaseName, $databaseLogin, $databasePassword, $databasePrefix, $databaseType, $smtpHost, $smtpUser, $smtpPassword) { // Copy the config template and verify it copyFileVerified($path . 'inc/config-local.php.dist', $path . getCachePath() . 'config-local.php', 0644); /* * Ok, all done. So we can write the config data to the php files. Do only * write these if they differ from auto-detected values. */ if ($path != getPath()) { changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('SERVER-PATH', "setConfigEntry('PATH', '", "');", $path, 0); } // END - if if ($url != getUrl()) { changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('HOST-URL', "setConfigEntry('URL', '", "');", $url, 0); } // END - if // Write more data changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('MAIN-TITLE', "setConfigEntry('MAIN_TITLE', '", "');", $title, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('SLOGAN', "setConfigEntry('SLOGAN', '", "');", $slogan, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('WEBMASTER', "setConfigEntry('WEBMASTER', '", "');", $email, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('NULLPASS-WARNING', "setConfigEntry('WARN_NO_PASS', '", "');", $noPassword, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('WRITE-FOOTER', "setConfigEntry('WRITE_FOOTER', '", "');", $writeFooter, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('BACKLINK', "setConfigEntry('ENABLE_BACKLINK', '", "');", $backLink, 0); // @TODO DEACTIVATED: changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('OUTPUT-MODE', "setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', '", "');", postRequestElement('omode'), 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('MYSQL-HOST', " 'host' => '", "',", $databaseHost, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('MYSQL-DBASE', " 'dbase' => '", "',", $databaseName, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('MYSQL-LOGIN', " 'login' => '", "',", $databaseLogin, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('MYSQL-PASSWORD', " 'password' => '", "',", $databasePassword, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('MYSQL-PREFIX', "setConfigEntry('_MYSQL_PREFIX', '", "');", $databasePrefix, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('TABLE-TYPE', "setConfigEntry('_TABLE_TYPE', '", "');", $databaseType, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('SMTP-HOSTNAME', "setConfigEntry('SMTP_HOSTNAME', '", "');", $smtpHost, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('SMTP-USER', "setConfigEntry('SMTP_USER', '", "');", $smtpUser, 0); changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('SMTP-PASSWORD', "setConfigEntry('SMTP_PASSWORD', '", "');", $smtpPassword, 0); // Generate a long site-key and write it changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('SITE-KEY', "setConfigEntry('SITE_KEY', '", "');", generatePassword(50), 0); // Script is now installed return changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('INSTALLED', "setConfigEntry('MAILER_INSTALLED', '", "');", 'Y', 0); } // Adds a given template with content to install output stream function addTemplateToInstallContent ($template, $content = array()) { // Load the template $out = loadTemplate($template, TRUE, $content); // Add it to output addToInstallContent($out); } // Add it to install content function addToInstallContent ($out) { // Set or add it... if (!isset($GLOBALS['install_content'])) { // Set it $GLOBALS['install_content'] = $out; } else { // Add it $GLOBALS['install_content'] .= $out; } // END - if } // Somewhat getter for installer content function getInstallerContent () { // Is it here? if (isset($GLOBALS['install_content'])) { // Yes, then use it $content = $GLOBALS['install_content']; } else { // Nothing found, this needs fixing $content = displayMessage('{--INSTALLER_CONTENT_404--}', TRUE); } // Return content return $content; } // Read a given SQL dump function readSqlDump ($FQFN) { // Load the file $content = readFromFile($FQFN); // Remove some unwanted chars $content = str_replace(chr(13), '', $content); $content = str_replace(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL, $content); // Return the content return $content; } // Generates the installer menu by simply loading another template function generateInstallerMenu () { // Load installer menu template $OUT = loadTemplate('install_menu', TRUE); // Return loaded content return $OUT; } // Generate the install footer navigation by simply loading another template function generateInstallerFooterNavigation () { // Load installer menu template $OUT = loadTemplate('install_footer', TRUE); // Return loaded content return $OUT; } // Generate an option list for database types for given default value function generateInstallerDatabaseTypeOptions () { return generateOptions( '/ARRAY/', array('MyISAM', 'InnoDB'), array('{--INSTALLER_TABLE_TYPE_MYISAM--}', '{--INSTALLER_TABLE_TYPE_INNODB--}'), getSession('mysql_engine') ); } // Generate an option list for output mode types for given default value function generateInstallerOutputModeOptions ($defaultValue) { return generateOptions( '/ARRAY/', array('render', 'direct'), array('{--INSTALLER_MODE_RENDER--}', '{--INSTALLER_MODE_DIRECT--}'), $defaultValue ); } // Checks whether we have an AJAX-enabled installer which defaults to red pill function isAjaxInstaller () { // Get the session data and compare it against 'ajax' $isAjaxInstaller = (getSession('installer') == 'ajax'); // Return it return $isAjaxInstaller; } // Checks whether we have an plain installer which defaults to red pill function isPlainInstaller () { // Get the session data and compare it against 'plain' $isPlainInstaller = (getSession('installer') == 'plain'); // Return it return $isPlainInstaller; } // Handle all given failed fields function handleInstallerFailedFields ($failedFields) { // Don't do anything with no array or no entries if ((!is_array($failedFields)) || (count($failedFields) == 0)) { // Abort here reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'failedFields[]=' . gettype($failedFields) . ' verification failed'); } // END - if // Handle all $out = '
    '; foreach ($failedFields as $key => $field) { // "Translate" it $out .= '
  1. {--INSTALLER_FIELD_FAILED_' . strtoupper($field) . '--}
  2. '; } // END - foreach $out .= '
'; // Return it return $out; } // Checks given key/value pair if it is valid by a call-back function isInstallerDataValid (&$saveStatus, $key, $value) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',value=' . $value . ' - ENTERED!'); // Generate call-back function based on given key $callbackName = 'isInstaller' . capitalizeUnderscoreString($key) . 'Valid'; // Is the function there? if (!function_exists($callbackName)) { // Not found, which is not bad, but it means this data is always valid //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Call-back function ' . $callbackName . ' not found. saveStatus[status]=' . $saveStatus['status'] . ', key=' . $key . ', value=' . $value); // All fine (CAREFULL!) return TRUE; } // END - if // Then call it back $isValid = (bool) call_user_func($callbackName, $value); // Is it not valid? //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',value=' . $value . ',isValid=' . intval($isValid)); if ($isValid === FALSE) { // Then add it to saveStatus array_push($saveStatus['failed_fields'], $key); } // END - if // Return status //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'key=' . $key . ',value=' . $value . ',isValid=' . intval($isValid) . ' - EXIT!'); return $isValid; } // Post-check on installer data function doInstallerPostCheck ($currentTab, &$saveStatus) { // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currentTab=' . $currentTab . ',saveStatus[status]=' . $saveStatus['status'] . ' - ENTERED!'); // Create the call-back function on 'tab' $callbackName = 'isInstallerPost' . capitalizeUnderscoreString($currentTab) . 'Valid'; // Is the function there? if (!function_exists($callbackName)) { // Not found, which is not bad, but it means the post-check won't be run //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Call-back function ' . $callbackName . ' not found. saveStatus[status]=' . $saveStatus['status'] . ', currentTab=' . $currentTab); // Abort here return; } // END - if // Init 'tab-specific error message' $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = ''; $GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab] = array(); // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Calling function ' . $callbackName . ',currentTab=' . $currentTab . ',saveStatus[status]=' . $saveStatus['status']); // Then call it back $isValid = (bool) call_user_func($callbackName, $currentTab); // Is it not valid? if (($isValid === FALSE) || (count($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab]) > 0)) { // Then change status and message $saveStatus['status'] = 'failed'; $saveStatus['message'] = '{%message,INSTALLER_POST_CHECK_' . strtoupper($currentTab) . '_FAILED=' . $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] . '%}'; // Is there failed fields? if (count($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab]) > 0) { // Then merge both $saveStatus['failed_fields'] = merge_array($saveStatus['failed_fields'], $GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab]); } // END - if } // END - if // Debug message //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'currentTab=' . $currentTab . ',saveStatus[status]=' . $saveStatus['status'] . ' - EXIT!'); } // Determines an installer group by given key function determineInstallerGroupByKey ($key) { // Try to look it up if (!isset($GLOBALS['installer_groups'][$key])) { // Log missing entry logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot determine installer group, returning dummy group. key=' . $key); // Return dummy group return 'dummy'; } // END - if // Return it return $GLOBALS['installer_groups'][$key]; } // Adds given key/value pair to an overview group function addKeyValueToInstallerOverviewGroup ($key, $value) { // First determine the group by given key $group = determineInstallerGroupByKey($key); // Depending on the group, add it for later usage (to render the overview page) $GLOBALS['installer_overview'][$group][$key] = $value; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Template call-back functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------- Extensions ----------------- // Generates (and returns) a table from all extensions function generateInstallerExtensionTable () { // Generate extension list $extensions = loadAllExtensionsByTemplate(); // "Walk" through all $OUT = ''; foreach ($extensions as $extension) { // Remove prefix + suffix $ext_name = substr(basename($extension), 4, -4); // Is the extension not in development and not admintheme* ? if ((loadExtension($ext_name, 'test', '0.0.0', TRUE)) && (isExtensionProductive($ext_name)) && (substr($ext_name, 0, 10) != 'admintheme')) { // Default is not disabled $disabled = ''; if ($ext_name == 'sql_patches') { // Always keep this enabled $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; } // END - if // Initialize content array $content = array( 'ext_name' => $ext_name, 'ext_version' => getExtensionVersion($ext_name), 'checked' => getExtensionSelectedFromSession($ext_name, 'extensions'), 'disabled' => $disabled, 'description' => loadTemplate('ext_' . $ext_name, TRUE), ); // Load row template $OUT .= loadTemplate('install_list_extensions_row', TRUE, $content); } // END - if } // END - foreach // Load main template return loadTemplate('install_list_extensions', TRUE, $OUT); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Call-back functions to check validity //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------- Base data ----------------- // Call-back function to check validity of 'base_path' function isInstallerBasePathValid ($value) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=' . $value . ' - ENTERED!'); // Is it a directory and if some typical files could be found $isValid = ( // Is it a directory? (isDirectory($value)) && // Doesn't contain dots (strpos($value, '..') === FALSE) && // Is there a trailing slash? (substr($value, -1, 1) == '/') && // Is mysql-manager.php there? (isFileReadable($value . 'inc/mysql-manager.php')) && // What about gen_sql_patches.php? (isFileReadable($value . 'inc/gen_sql_patches.php')) && // And how about referral-functions.php? (isFileReadable($value . 'inc/referral-functions.php')) ); // Return it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=' . $value . ',isValid=' . intval($isValid) . ' - EXIT'); return $isValid; } // Call-back function to check validity of 'base_url' function isInstallerBaseUrlValid ($value) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=' . $value . ' - ENTERED!'); // Is it same as URL $isValid = ( // Same as URL? ($value == getUrl()) || ( // Starts with http:// or https:// ? ((substr($value, 0, 7) == 'http://') || (substr($value, 0, 8) == 'https://')) && // Has no trailing slash? (substr($value, -1, 1) != '/') && // And total length is at least 6+8=14 chars long? (https://foo.ba) (strlen($value) >= 14) && // Is the URL valid? (isUrlValid($value)) )); // Return it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=' . $value . ',isValid=' . intval($isValid) . ' - EXIT'); return $isValid; } // Call-back function to checl validity of 'main_title' function isInstallerMainTitleValid ($value) { // Is it valid? // @TODO Comparing with DEFAULT_MAIN_TITLE doesn't work $isValid = ((strlen($value) >= 4) && ($value != getMessage('DEFAULT_MAIN_TITLE'))); // Return it return $isValid; } // Call-back function to checl validity of 'slogan' function isInstallerSloganValid ($value) { // Is it valid? $isValid = ((strlen($value) >= 4) && ($value != getMessage('DEFAULT_SLOGAN'))); // Return it return $isValid; } // Call-back function to check validity of 'webmaster' function isInstallerWebmasterValid ($value) { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=' . $value . ' - ENTERED!'); // Is it a valid email address? $isValid = (( // Is it a valid email address? (isEmailValid($value)) || // Or is there 'localhost/' as hostname? Then don't check email address (e.g. you@localhost) (in_array(detectServerName(), array('localhost', ''))) ) && ( // Is not default "email address" $value != getMessage('DEFAULT_WEBMASTER') )); // Return it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'value=' . $value . ',isValid=' . intval($isValid) . ' - EXIT'); return $isValid; } // ----------------- Database configuration ----------------- // Call-back function to check validity of 'mysql_host' function isInstallerMysqlHostValid ($value) { // This value must match a hostname or IP address $isValid = ( // Shall not be empty (!empty($value)) && ( // Is localhost/ (mostly the case) (in_array($value, array('localhost', ''))) || // IP number match (this regex was taken from www.regexlib.com) (preg_match('/((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]))/', $value)) || // Host name match (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}/', $value)) )); // Return it return $isValid; } // Call-back function to check validity of 'mysql_engine' function isInstallerMysqlEngineValid ($value) { // This value must be 'MyISAM' or 'InnoDB' $isValid = in_array($value, array('MyISAM', 'InnoDB')); // Return it return $isValid; } // Call-back function to check validity of 'mysql_dbase' function isInstallerMysqlDbaseValid ($value) { // This value must not be empty $isValid = ((!empty($value)) && ($value != 'your_database')); // Return it return $isValid; } // Call-back function to check validity of 'mysql_login' function isInstallerMysqlLoginValid ($value) { // This value must not be empty $isValid = ((!empty($value)) && ($value != 'your_login')); // Return it return $isValid; } // Call-back function to check validity of 'mysql_prefix' function isInstallerMysqlPrefixValid ($value) { // This value must not be empty $isValid = !empty($value); // Return it return $isValid; } // ----------------- SMTP configuration ----------------- // ----------------- Other configuration ----------------- // ----------------- Extensions ----------------- // Call-back function to check 'sel' (array!) function isInstallerSelValid ($value) { // $value is not an array, is really bad. if (!is_array($value)) { // Is no array reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'sel,value[]=' . gettype($value) . '!=array'); } // END - if // Add always missing ext-sql_patches $value['sql_patches'] = '1'; // Default is fine $isValid = TRUE; // "Walk" through all extensions foreach ($value as $ext_name => $sel) { // Is this extension choosen? if ($sel != '1') { // Skip this continue; } // END - if // Can it be loaded? $isValid = (($isValid) && (loadExtension($ext_name, 'test', '0.0.0', TRUE))); } // END - foreach // Remove 'sel' from POST data as it cannot be saved unsetPostRequestElement('sel'); // Save it in session (sorry to do that here :( ) setSession('extensions', implode(':', array_keys($value))); // Return result return $isValid; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Call-back functions to post-check validity //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Call-back function to check if base data is valid function isInstallerPostBaseDataValid ($currentTab) { // By default it is not valid $isValid = FALSE; // Is the base path valid? if (!isInstallerBasePathValid(postRequestElement('base_path'))) { // Then mark it $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_BASE_PATH_INVALID--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'base_path'); return FALSE; } elseif (!isInstallerBaseUrlValid(postRequestElement('base_url'))) { // Then mark it $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_BASE_URL_INVALID--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'base_url'); return FALSE; } elseif (strlen(postRequestElement('main_title')) < 3) { // To short $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_MAIN_TITLE_INVALID--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'main_title'); return FALSE; } elseif (strlen(postRequestElement('slogan')) < 3) { // To short $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_SLOGAN_INVALID--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'slogan'); return FALSE; } elseif (!isInstallerWebmasterValid(postRequestElement('webmaster'))) { // Then mark it $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_WEBMASTER_INVALID--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'webmaster'); return FALSE; } else { // All fine $isValid = TRUE; // Remember this tab in session installTabOkay($currentTab); } // Return it return $isValid; } // Call-back function to check if database configuration in POST is valid function isInstallerPostDatabaseConfigValid ($currentTab) { // By default nothing is valid $isValid = FALSE; $engineValid = FALSE; $missingTables = 0; // Do both passwords match? if ((!isPostRequestElementSet('mysql_password1')) && (isPostRequestElementSet('mysql_password2'))) { // Password 1 not set $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_DATABASE_PASSWORD1_EMPTY--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'mysql_password1'); return FALSE; } elseif ((isPostRequestElementSet('mysql_password1')) && (!isPostRequestElementSet('mysql_password2'))) { // Password 2 not set $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_DATABASE_PASSWORD2_EMPTY--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'mysql_password2'); return FALSE; } elseif (postRequestElement('mysql_password1') != postRequestElement('mysql_password2')) { // Passwords mismatch $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_DATABASE_PASSWORDS_MISMATCH--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'mysql_password1', 'mysql_password2'); return FALSE; } // END - if // Remove any previous flag unsetSqlLinkUp(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Try to connect to the database sqlConnectToDatabase(postRequestElement('mysql_host'), postRequestElement('mysql_login'), postRequestElement('mysql_password1'), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Is the link up if (!isSqlLinkUp()) { // Cannot connect to database $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_DATABASE_CONNECT_ERROR--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'mysql_login', 'mysql_password1', 'mysql_password2'); return FALSE; } // END - if // Then attempt to select the database if (!sqlSelectDatabase(postRequestElement('mysql_dbase'), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) { // Could not find database $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_DATABASE_SELECT_FAILED--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'mysql_dbase'); // Disconnect here, we don't need idle database connections laying around sqlCloseLink(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Abort here return FALSE; } // END - if // Set database name and prefix setConfigEntry('__DB_NAME' , postRequestElement('mysql_dbase')); setConfigEntry('_MYSQL_PREFIX', postRequestElement('mysql_prefix')); // Get an array of all supported engines $engines = getArrayFromSupportedSqlEngines(postRequestElement('mysql_engine')); // Is this an array? if (!is_array($engines)) { // Something bad happened $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_DATABASE_ENGINES_SQL_ERROR--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'mysql_engine'); // Disconnect here, we don't need idle database connections laying around sqlCloseLink(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Abort here return FALSE; } elseif (count($engines) == 0) { // No engine is active $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_DATABASE_NO_ENGINES_ACTIVE--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'mysql_engine'); // Disconnect here, we don't need idle database connections laying around sqlCloseLink(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Abort here return FALSE; } // Then check all, if the requested is working foreach ($engines as $engineArray) { // By default the selected engine is not valid $engineValid = FALSE; // Is the engine there? if (strtolower($engineArray['Engine']) == strtolower(postRequestElement('mysql_engine'))) { // Okay, engine is found $engineValid = TRUE; break; } // END - if } // END - foreach // So, is the engine found? if ($engineValid === FALSE) { // Requested engine is not active $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_DATABASE_ENGINE_UNSUPPORTED--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'mysql_engine'); // Disconnect here, we don't need idle database connections laying around sqlCloseLink(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // Abort here return FALSE; } // END - if // Init some known tables $tables = array( // Admins 'admins' => TRUE, // Admin menu 'admin_menu' => TRUE, // Categories 'cats' => TRUE, // Configuration 'config' => TRUE, // Extensions 'extensions' => TRUE, // Guest menu 'guest_menu' => TRUE, // Max receive 'max_receive' => TRUE, // Member menu 'member_menu' => TRUE, // Module registry 'mod_reg' => TRUE, // Payments 'payments' => TRUE, // Sending pool 'pool' => TRUE, // Referral banner 'refbanner' => TRUE, // Referral levels 'refdepths' => TRUE, // Referral system 'refsystem' => TRUE, // Task system 'task_system' => TRUE, ); // So check if all tables are not there foreach ($tables as $tableName => $isFound) { // Check it out $tables[$tableName] = ifSqlTableExists($tableName); // Is it (hopefully not) there? if ($tables[$tableName] === FALSE) { // This does not exist $missingTables++; } // END - if } // END - foreach // Determine final status (simply compare both counts $isValid = (count($tables) == $missingTables); // Disconnect here, we don't need idle database connections laying around sqlCloseLink(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); // If the status is true, disconnect the database if ($isValid === FALSE) { // Still something bad happened (e.g. tables found) $GLOBALS['installer_post_error'][$currentTab] = '{--INSTALLER_POST_DATABASE_IN_USE--}'; array_push($GLOBALS['installer_failed_fields'][$currentTab], 'mysql_dbase'); } else { // Remember this tab in session installTabOkay($currentTab); } // Return status return $isValid; } // Store given tab in session function installTabOkay ($currentTab) { // Is it set? if (isSessionVariableSet('installer_okay')) { // Is this tab already found? if (strpos(getSession('installer_okay'), $currentTab) === FALSE) { // Then extend it setSession('installer_okay', getSession('installer_okay') . ';' . $currentTab); } // END - if } else { // Initially set it setSession('installer_okay', $currentTab); } } // Checks whether at least the required tabs are completed function isInstallationDataCompleted () { // Check both $isCompleted = ( (isSessionVariableSet('installer_okay')) && (strpos(getSession('installer_okay'), 'base_data') !== FALSE) && (strpos(getSession('installer_okay'), 'database_config') !== FALSE) ); // Return it //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'isCompleted=' . intval($isCompleted) . ',installer_okay=' . getSession('installer_okay')); return $isCompleted; } // Call-back function to check if enable_backlink is Y/N function isInstallerEnableBacklinkValid ($currentTab) { // Check and return it return in_array($currentTab, array('Y', 'N')); } // Call-back function to check if warn_no_pass is Y/N function isInstallerWarnNoPassValid ($currentTab) { // Check and return it return in_array($currentTab, array('Y', 'N')); } // Call-back function to check if write_footer is Y/N function isInstallerWriteFooterValid ($currentTab) { // Check and return it return in_array($currentTab, array('Y', 'N')); } // Call-back function to check if output_mode is Y/N function isInstallerOutputModeValid ($currentTab) { // Check and return it return in_array($currentTab, array('render', 'direct')); } // Wrapper to import given installation SQL dump function importInstallSqlDump ($dumpName) { // Import the file importSqlDump('install', $dumpName, 'install'); } // [EOF] ?>