0) { // Subtract from this account subtractPoints('beg_payout', getConfig('beg_userid'), $points); } // END - if } // Checks wether beg_rallye is enabled function isBegRallyeEnabled () { // Do we have cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Determine it $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('beg', '0.2.8')) && (getConfig('beg_rallye') == 'Y')); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // Checks wether beg_rallye is enabled function isBegNewMemberNotifyEnabled () { // Do we have cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Determine it $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('beg', '0.2.7')) && (getConfig('beg_new_member_notify') == 'Y')); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // "Getter" for beg_userid function getBegUserid () { // Do we have cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) { // Get it $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig(__FUNCTION__); } // END - if // Return cache return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__]; } // [EOF] ?>