0) { while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { $tot_data = $row['Data_length']; $tot_idx = $row['Index_length']; $total = $tot_data + $tot_idx; $total = $total / 1024; $total = round ($total, 3); $gain = $row['Data_free']; $gain = $gain / 1024; $total_gain += $gain; $gain = round ($gain, 3); // Repair table $result1 = SQL_QUERY("REPAIR TABLE ".$row['Name'], __FILE__, __LINE__); $rep = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result1); // Optimize table $result1 = SQL_QUERY("OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$row['Name'], __FILE__, __LINE__); $opt = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result1); // Add data to array $ret['tables'][] = array($row['Name'], $opt['Msg_text'], $rep['Msg_text'], $total, $gain); // Count total table data $ret['total_size'] += $total; } } // Total optimized data $total_gain = round ($total_gain,3); $ret['total_gain'] = $total_gain; // Insert new row $result = SQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_optimize_gain` (gain) VALUES ('".$total_gain."')", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Get total runs and total optimization count $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT COUNT(id) AS rows, SUM(gain) AS opti FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_optimize_gain`", __FILE__, __LINE__); list($total_rows, $total_opti) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Transfer data $ret['total_rows'] = $total_rows; $ret['total_opti'] = $total_opti; // Return array return $ret; } // ?>