0) { // Pay this out! $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC('SELECT `id`, `type`, `rate`, `min_points` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payout_types` WHERE %s >= `min_points` ORDER BY `type` ASC', array($points), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result)) { // Init output $OUT = ''; // Now let's check while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Are these points enougth? if ($points >= $content['min_points']) { // Prepare content for template $content['points'] = translateComma($points * $content['rate'] - 0.5); // Load row template $OUT .= loadTemplate('member_payout_li', TRUE, $content); } // END - if } // END - while // Load main template loadTemplate('member_payout_list', TRUE, $OUT); } else { // No payout types setup so far loadTemplate('admin_settings_unsaved', FALSE, '{--MEMBER_PAYOUT_SETUP_INCOMPLETE--}'); } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } else { // Points is empty loadTemplate('admin_settings_unsaved', FALSE, '{--MEMBER_PAYOUT_NO_POINTS_ENTERED--}'); } } // "Translates" the payout status into a human-readable message function translatePayoutStatus ($status) { // Try to get a message from given status $message = '{--PAYOUT_STATUS_' . strtoupper($status) . '--}'; // Return it return $message; } // "Getter" for payoutable user points function getPayoutPoints ($userid) { // Is there cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid])) { // Determine it $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid] = countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_points', 'points') - getUserUsedPoints($userid); } // END - if // Return it return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid]; } // [EOF] ?>