array("{", "}", "/", ".", "'", "$", "(", ")", '{--', '--}', "%", ";", "[", "]", ":", "--"), // ... and we will replace to. 'to' => array( "{OPEN_ANCHOR2}", "{CLOSE_ANCHOR2}", "{SLASH}", "{DOT}", "{QUOT}", "{DOLLAR}", "{OPEN_ANCHOR}", "{CLOSE_ANCHOR}", "{OPEN_TEMPLATE}", "{CLOSE_TEMPLATE}", "{PER}", "{SEMI}", "{OPEN_INDEX}", "{CLOSE_INDEX}", "{DBL_DOT}", "{COMMENT}" ), ); // Characters allowed in URLs // // Note: Do not replace 'to' with 'from' and vise-versa! When you do this all booked URLs will be // rejected because of the {SLASH}, {DOT} and all below listed items inside the URL. $GLOBALS['url_chars'] = array( // Search for these secured characters 'to' => array("{SLASH}", "{DOT}", "{PER}", "{DBL_DOT}", "{COMMENT}"), // Replace with these characters 'from' => array("/", ".", "%", ":", "--") ); // Overworked security part: if (is_array($_GET)) { foreach ($_GET as $seckey => $secvalue) { if (is_array($secvalue)) { // Throw arrays away... unset($_GET[$seckey]); } else { // Only variables are allowed (non-array) but we secure them all! foreach ($GLOBALS['security_chars']['from'] as $key => $char) { // Pass all through $_GET[$seckey] = str_replace($char , $GLOBALS['security_chars']['to'][$key], $_GET[$seckey]); } // Strip all other out $_GET[$seckey] = strip_tags($_GET[$seckey]); } } } if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != "install.php") { // And POST data foreach ($_POST as $seckey => $secvalue) { if (!is_array($secvalue)) { // Only variables are allowed (non-array) to be secured... foreach ($GLOBALS['security_chars']['from'] as $key => $char) { // Pass all through $_POST[$seckey] = str_replace($char , $GLOBALS['security_chars']['to'][$key], $_POST[$seckey]); } // Strip all other out $_POST[$seckey] = strip_tags($_POST[$seckey]); } } } // Activate caching or transparent compressing when it is not already done if (!defined('_OB_CACHING')) { if (phpversion() >= '4.0.4pl1' && (strstr(getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'),'compatible') || (strstr(getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), "Mozilla")))) { if ((extension_loaded('zlib')) && (function_exists('ob_start'))) { // Start caching define('_OB_CACHING', "on"); ob_start(); } else { // Extension not loaded or required function is missing define('_OB_CACHING', "404"); } } else { // Old PHP version define('_OB_CACHING', "old"); } } // At last secure the $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] element $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = secureString($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Split it up into path and filename $SELF_DIR = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $SELF_FILE = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Check for a .php inside the $SELF_DIR... while (ereg(".php", $SELF_DIR)) { // Correct the dirname $SELF_DIR = substr($SELF_DIR, 0, (strpos($SELF_DIR, ".php") + 4)); // Rewrite filename... $SELF_FILE = basename($SELF_DIR); // ... and dirname $SELF_DIR = dirname($SELF_DIR); } // Put both together again and let's pray it is secured now... $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $SELF_DIR."/".$SELF_FILE; // Remove uneccessary variables unset($SELF_DIR); unset($SELF_FILE); // Security system loaded... define('__SECURITY', "1"); // ?>