inc/config.php along with the new file inc/cache/config-local.php. Please remove inc/config.php to avoid incompatiblity issues. Thank you.'); } elseif (isIncludeReadable('inc/cache/config-local.php')) { // Then load it loadIncludeOnce('inc/cache/config-local.php'); // Mark configuration as loaded $GLOBALS['config_local_loaded'] = true; } elseif (isIncludeReadable('inc/config.php')) { // Out-dated inc/config.php found, falling back to load and "wrap" it updateOldConfigFile(); } elseif (isInstalling()) { // Set some essential constants // @TODO Rewrite them to avoid this else block define('MAIN_TITLE', 'Your mail-exchanger title'); define('SLOGAN' , 'Your cool slogan here'); define('WEBMASTER' , 'you@some-hoster.tld.invalid'); // Set output mode here setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', 'render'); } else { // Problem in application detected debug_report_bug('Wether we are not installing nor config-local.php is created!'); } // Check if the user setups his MySQL stuff... if ((empty($GLOBALS['mysql']['login'])) && (!isInstalling()) && (!REQUEST_ISSET_GET('installing')) && (isInstalled())) { // No login entered and outside installation mode OUTPUT_HTML('{--LANG_WARNING--}: '); if (isInstalled()) { // You have changed my configuration file! app_die(__FILE__, __LINE__, '{--DIE_CONFIG_CHANGED_YOU--}'); } else { // Please run the installation script (maybe again) app_die(__FILE__, __LINE__, '{--DIE_RUN_INSTALL_MYSQL--}'); } } elseif ((!isInstalling()) && (empty($GLOBALS['mysql']['password'])) && (getConfig('WARN_NO_PASS') == 'Y')) { // No database password entered!!! OUTPUT_HTML('
{--WARN_NULL_PASSWORD--}'); } // ?>