"Y"); // KEEP THIS ALWAYS ACTIVE! } else { // Initialize array for "always keep active extensions" $KEEP_ACTIVE = array(); } // // Load extensions // if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache")) { // Load cache extension alone include_once(PATH."inc/libs/cache_functions.php"); $CACHE_FILE = ""; include_once(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-cache.php"); switch($CACHE->cache_file("extensions", true)) { case true : $CACHE_FILE = "load"; break; case false: $CACHE_FILE = "init"; break; } // Do not recreate cache file when it's switched off! if (($CACHE_FILE == "init") && ($CONFIG['cache_exts'] == "N")) $CACHE_FILE = "skip"; // Load language if ($CACHE_FILE == "load") include(PATH."inc/language/cache_".GET_LANGUAGE().".php"); } else { $CACHE_FILE = "no"; } if ($CACHE_FILE == "load") { // Load more cache files (like admins) require_once(PATH."inc/load_cache.php"); // Re-initialize handler $CACHE->cache_file("extensions", true); // Load extension data from cache file $EXT_DUMMY = $CACHE->cache_load(); foreach ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_name'] as $k=>$name) { // Load functions file if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_funcs'][$k] == "Y") require_once(PATH."inc/libs/".$name."_functions.php"); // Load Language file if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_lang'][$k] == "Y") { $INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/language/%s_%s.php", $name, GET_LANGUAGE()); if (file_exists($INC)) require_once($INC); } // Load CSS file if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_css'][$k] == "Y") $EXT_CSS_FILES[] = "".$name.".css"; // Load extension file itself if (($EXT_DUMMY['ext_active'][$k] == "Y") || ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_keep'][$k] == "Y") || (IS_ADMIN())) { require_once(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-".$name.".php"); } // Transfer version number and active status $EXT_DUMMY['ext_version'][$name] = $EXT_DUMMY['ext_version'][$k]; unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_version'][$k]); $EXT_DUMMY['ext_active'][$name] = $EXT_DUMMY['ext_active'][$k]; unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_active'][$k]); $EXT_DUMMY['ext_menu'][$name] = $EXT_DUMMY['ext_menu'][$k]; unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_menu'][$k]); $KEEP_ACTIVE['$name'] = $EXT_DUMMY['ext_keep'][$k]; unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_keep'][$k]); $k2 = $EXT_DUMMY['ext_id'][$k]; $EXT_DUMMY['ext_id'][$k2] = $name; if ($k2 != $k) unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_id'][$k]); // Remove unneccessary data from memory unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_lang'][$k]); unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_css'][$k]); unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_funcs'][$k]); } // Close cache file $CACHE->cache_close(); // Loading cache is done so let's free some memory! unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_lang']); unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_keep']); unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_css']); unset($EXT_DUMMY['ext_funcs']); $EXTENSIONS = $EXT_DUMMY; unset($EXT_DUMMY); // No database load needed $res_ext_crt = false; } else { // If current user is not admin load only activated extensions // The admin shall use every available extension for testing purposes if (!IS_ADMIN()) $ADD = " WHERE ext_active='Y'"; if (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.0.6") { // Query with CSS file from DB $res_ext_crt = SQL_QUERY("SELECT id, ext_name, ext_lang_file, ext_has_css, ext_active, ext_version FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions".$ADD." ORDER BY ext_name", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { // Old obsulete query string $res_ext_crt = SQL_QUERY("SELECT id, ext_name, ext_lang_file, ext_name, ext_active, ext_version FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions".$ADD." ORDER BY ext_name", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } // Array for removed but not uninstalled extensions $DEL = array(); // At least one found? if ((SQL_NUMROWS($res_ext_crt) > 0) && (($CACHE_FILE == "init") || ($CACHE_FILE == "no")) && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) { // Load theme management require_once(PATH."inc/theme-manager.php"); // If we need to init the cache init it now if ($CACHE_FILE == "init") $CACHE->cache_init("EXTENSIONS"); // Extensions are registered so we load them while (list($EXT_ID, $name, $lang, $css, $active, $version) = SQL_FETCHROW($res_ext_crt)) { // Get menu entry $result_menu = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT has_menu FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_mod_reg WHERE module='%s' LIMIT 1", array($name), __FILE__, __LINE__); list($menu) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_menu); //* DEBUG: */ echo "*".$name."/".$menu."*
"; // An empty menu entry will be interpreted as N (no menu) to avoid problems if (empty($menu)) $menu = "N"; // Load extensions $file1 = sprintf(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", $name); $file2 = $file1; $EXT_CSS = "N"; $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE = "N"; // Special functions file $file3 = sprintf(PATH."inc/libs/%s_functions.php", $name); // Does the extension file exists? if (file_exists($file1) && is_readable($file1)) { // If there's no language file specified we don't need to load one... ;-) if (!empty($lang)) { // Create language file $file2 = sprintf(PATH."inc/language/%s_%s.php", $lang, GET_LANGUAGE()); } if (file_exists($file3) && is_readable($file3)) { // Special functions file $funcs = "Y"; require_once($file3); } else { // Don't load functions file $funcs = "N"; } // Do we need a language file? if (($file1 != $file2) && (file_exists($file2)) && (is_readable($file2))) { // Load language file $lang = "Y"; include($file2); } else { // Don't load language file $lang = "N"; } // Load extension if ($name != "sql_patches") { // Load extension's file include_once($file1); } else { // KEEP sql_patches ALWAYS ACTIVE! $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE = "Y"; } if ($css == "Y") { $CSS_FILE = PATH."theme/".GET_CURR_THEME()."/css/".$name.".css"; if (file_exists($CSS_FILE)) { // CSS file for extension was found (use only relative path for now!) $EXT_CSS_FILES[] = $name.".css"; } else { // Don't load CSS file $css = "N"; } } // Add cache row if ($CACHE_FILE == "init") { $CACHE->add_row(array( 'ext_id' => $EXT_ID, 'ext_name' => $name, 'ext_lang' => $lang, 'ext_css' => $css, 'ext_menu' => $menu, 'ext_funcs' => $funcs, 'ext_active' => $active, 'ext_version' => $version, 'ext_keep' => $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE, )); } elseif ($CACHE_FILE == "no") { // Remember this value for later usage $KEEP_ACTIVE[$name] = $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE; } } elseif (!file_exists($file1)) { // Deleted extension file so we mark it for removal from DB $DEL[] = $name; } } if ($CACHE_FILE == "init") { // Close cache file $CACHE->cache_close(); // Load more cache files (like admins) require_once(PATH."inc/load_cache.php"); } } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($res_ext_crt); // Compile configuration system /** * Commented out... * *foreach ($CONFIG as $k=>$v) *{ * $CONFIG[$k] = COMPILE_CODE($v); *} */ // Load include files if (!empty($INC_POOL[0])) { foreach ($INC_POOL as $inc) { require_once($inc); } } // Uninstall extensions that are no longer in our system if (!empty($DEL[0])) { // Remove extensions from two tables: extension registry and tasks table foreach ($DEL as $name) { // First remove entry from extensions table $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions WHERE ext_name='%s' LIMIT 1", array($name), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Remove (maybe?) found tasks (main task and possible updates $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_task_system WHERE subject LIKE '[%s:] %' AND (task_type='EXTENSION' OR task_type='EXTENSION_UPDATE')", array($name), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // I think it's not neccessary to run the optimization function here // because we didn't delete so much data from database. Can you aggree? } // ?>