= %s) OR (start_time >= %s AND start_time <= %s) LIMIT 1", array($START, $START, $START, $END), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == '0') { // Ok, start and end time did not overlap SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_data` (admin_id, title, descr, template, start_time, end_time, auto_add_new_user, is_active, send_notify) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", array( getCurrentAdminId(), postRequestParameter('title'), postRequestParameter('descr'), postRequestParameter('template'), $START, $END, postRequestParameter('auto_add'), postRequestParameter('active'), postRequestParameter('notify'), ), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Load id $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_data` WHERE start_time='%s' AND end_time='%s' AND `title`='%s' LIMIT 1", array($START, $END, postRequestParameter('title')), __FILE__, __LINE__); list($id) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); SQL_FREERESULT($result); if (!empty($id)) { // Reload to prices... redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=admin&what=config_rallye_prices&rallye='.$id); } else { // Problem detected... loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, getMessage('RALLYE_PROBLEM_CREATE')); } } else { // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Overlapping detected loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, getMessage('RALLYE_OVERLAP_TIMES')); } } // Prepare some constants for the template $content['auto_add_options'] = generateOptionList('/ARRAY/', array('Y','N'), array(getMessage('YES'), getMessage('NO') )); $content['active_options'] = generateOptionList('/ARRAY/', array('N','Y'), array(getMessage('NO') , getMessage('YES'))); $content['notify_options'] = generateOptionList('/ARRAY/', array('Y','N'), array(getMessage('YES'), getMessage('NO') )); // Starting day $content['start_sec'] = addSelectionBox('sec' , 0 , 'start'); $content['start_min'] = addSelectionBox('min' , 0 , 'start'); $content['start_hour'] = addSelectionBox('hour' , date('G', time()), 'start'); $content['start_day'] = addSelectionBox('day' , date('d', time()), 'start'); $content['start_month'] = addSelectionBox('month', date('m', time()), 'start'); $content['start_year'] = addSelectionBox('year' , date('Y', time()), 'start'); // Calcualte ending date $D = date('d', time() + (getConfig('ONE_DAY') * 7)); $M = date('m', time() + (getConfig('ONE_DAY') * 7)); $Y = date('Y', time() + (getConfig('ONE_DAY') * 7)); // Ending day $content['end_sec'] = addSelectionBox('sec' , 0 , 'end'); $content['end_min'] = addSelectionBox('min' , 0 , 'end'); $content['end_hour'] = addSelectionBox('hour' , date('G', time()), 'end'); $content['end_day'] = addSelectionBox('day' , $D , 'end'); $content['end_month'] = addSelectionBox('month', $M , 'end'); $content['end_year'] = addSelectionBox('year' , $Y , 'end'); // Transfer (maybe found) templates into constant for the template $content['templates_selection'] = addReferalRallyeTemplateSelection(); // Load template loadTemplate('admin_add_rallye', false, $content); // [EOF] ?>