0 or your database will crow and crow and crow... if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('online_timeout')) { unsetPostRequestParameter('ok'); } // Chedck other timestamps (which can be zero!) if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('profile_lock')) { unsetPostRequestParameter('ok'); } if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('url_tlock')) { unsetPostRequestParameter('ok'); } if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('profile_update')) { unsetPostRequestParameter('ok'); } if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('resend_profile_update')) { unsetPostRequestParameter('ok'); } // Check other settings if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('max_send')) { unsetPostRequestParameter('ok'); } if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('code_length')) { unsetPostRequestParameter('ok'); } if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('reject_url')) { unsetPostRequestParameter('ok'); } } // END - if if (isFormSent()) { // Update stamps directly adminSaveSettingsFromPostData(); } else { // Time selection boxes $content['online_timeout'] = createTimeSelections(getOnlineTimeout() , 'ip_timeout' , 'ms'); $content['url_tlock'] = createTimeSelections(getUrlTlock() , 'url_tlock' , 'WDh'); $content['profile_lock'] = createTimeSelections(getProfileLock() , 'profile_lock' , 'WDh'); $content['profile_update'] = createTimeSelections(getProfileUpdate() , 'profile_update' , 'YM'); $content['profile_reupdate'] = createTimeSelections(getResendProfileUpdate(), 'resend_profile_update', 'MWD'); // Prepare more Y/N selections foreach (array('show_points_unconfirmed','show_timings','youre_here','member_menu','guest_menu','order_multi_page','autosend_active','send_prof_update','admin_notify','display_debug_sqls','stats_enabled') as $entry) { $content[$entry . '_y'] = ''; $content[$entry . '_n'] = ''; $content[$entry . '_' . strtolower(getConfig($entry))] = ' checked="checked"'; } // END - foreach // Prepare more foreach (array('css_php_direct','css_php_file','css_php_inline','mailid_error_redirect_index','mailid_error_redirect_reject') as $entry) { $content[$entry] = ''; } // END - foreach // Set selections foreach (array('css_php','mailid_error_redirect') as $entry) { $content[$entry . '_' . strtolower(getConfig($entry))] = ' checked="checked"'; } // END - foreach for ($i = '0'; $i <= 5; $i++) { $content['comma_def_' . $i] = ''; } // END - for // Set selection $content['comma_def_' . getConfig('max_comma')] = ' selected="selected"'; // Load template loadTemplate('admin_config_other', false, $content); } // [EOF] ?>