0) { $EXCLUDE_LIST = " AND d.userid != ".getConfig('def_refid').""; } // END - if // Check for more extensions // @TODO Rewrite those lines to filter if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('beg')) $EXCLUDE_LIST .= " AND d.userid != ".getConfig('beg_uid').""; if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('bonus')) $EXCLUDE_LIST .= " AND d.userid != ".getConfig('bonus_uid').""; if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('doubler')) $EXCLUDE_LIST .= " AND d.userid != ".getConfig('doubler_uid').""; if (GET_EXT_VERSION('holiday') >= '0.1.3') $EXCLUDE_LIST .= " AND d.holiday_active='N'"; // Check for all accounts $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT DISTINCT d.userid, d.gender, d.surname, d.family, d.email, d.joined, d.last_online, d.ap_notified FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` AS d WHERE d.`status`='CONFIRMED' AND d.joined < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %s) AND d.last_online < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %s) AND d.ap_notified < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %s) ".$EXCLUDE_LIST." ORDER BY d.userid", array( getConfig('ap_inactive_since'), getConfig('ap_inactive_since'), getConfig('ap_inactive_since') ), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) { // Ok, we have found some inactive accounts $OUT = ''; $SW = 2; while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Prepare data for the row template // @TODO Rewritings: sname->surname,fname->family in templates $content = array( 'sw' => $SW, 'uid' => ADMIN_USER_PROFILE_LINK($content['userid']), 'gender' => TRANSLATE_GENDER($content['gender']), 'sname' => $content['surname'], 'fname' => $content['family'], 'email' => "".$content['email']."", 'joined' => MAKE_DATETIME($content['joined'], "2"), 'last' => MAKE_DATETIME($content['last_online'], "2"), 'notified' => MAKE_DATETIME($content['ap_notified'], "2"), ); // Load row template $OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_list_autopurge_row", true, $content); $SW = 3 - $SW; } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // @TODO Rewrite this constant define('__AUTOPURGE_ROWS', $OUT); // Load main template LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_list_autopurge"); } else { // All members are active or you don't have any registered LOAD_TEMPLATE('admin_settings_saved', false, getMessage('ADMIN_AUTOPURGE_ALL_ACTIVE')); } // ?>