'modules.php?module=admin&what=list_country', 'title' => '{--ADMIN_COUNTRY_ACTIVATION_NEXT_LINK--}' )); } elseif (((isFormSent('edit')) || (isPostRequestParameterSet('delete'))) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('id'))) { if (count(postRequestParameter('id')) > 0) { if (isFormSent('edit')) { // Edit template $row = 'admin_list_country_edit_row'; $post = 'modify'; $class = 'admin_submit'; $submit = '{--ADMIN_COUNTRY_EDIT_NOW--}'; $title = '{--ADMIN_COUNTRY_EDIT_TITLE--}'; $reset = ' '; } else { // Delete template $row = 'admin_list_country_del_row'; $post = 'remove'; $class = 'admin_delete'; $submit = '{--ADMIN_COUNTRY_DELETE_NOW--}'; $title = '{--ADMIN_COUNTRY_DELETE_TITLE--}'; $reset = ''; } // Edit all selected country codes $OUT = ''; foreach (postRequestParameter('id') as $id => $status) { // Load data from DB $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT code, descr FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load data list($code, $descr) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Prepare data, load row template and switch colors $content = array( 'id' => $id, 'code' => $code, 'descr' => $descr, ); if ($post == 'modify') { // Generate default selection in edit-mode $content['status'] = generateOptionList('/ARRAY/', array('Y', 'N'), array('{--YES--}', '{--NO--}'), $status); } else { // Only display status when in delete-mode $content['status'] = translateYesNo($status); } // Insert row template and switch color $OUT .= loadTemplate($row, true, $content); } // END - if } // END - foreach // Prepare content for template $content = array( 'rows' => $OUT, 'mode' => $post, 'class' => $class, 'title' => $title, 'submit' => $submit, 'reset' => $reset, ); // Load main template loadTemplate('admin_list_country_form', false, $content); } } else { // Shall we modify / remove entries now? $message = ''; initSqls(); if ((isPostRequestParameterSet('modify')) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('id'))) { // Modify foreach (postRequestParameter('id') as $id => $sel) { addSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` SET `code`='" . postRequestParameter('code', $id) . "', `descr`='" . postRequestParameter('descr', $id) . "', `is_active`='" . postRequestParameter('is_active', $id) . "' WHERE `id`=" . bigintval($id) . " LIMIT 1"); } // Create message $message = '{--ADMIN_COUNTRIES_MODIFIED--}'; } elseif ((isFormSent('remove')) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('id'))) { // Remove $IDs = implode(',', array_keys(postRequestParameter('id'))); addSql("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` WHERE `id` IN (".$IDs.") LIMIT ".count(postRequestParameter('id')).""); // Create message $message = '{--ADMIN_COUNTRIES_REMOVED--}'; } if ((!empty($message)) && (countSqls() > 0)) { // Run SQL commands runFilterChain('run_sqls'); // Display message loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, $message); } // Load currenty setup country codes to list $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT id, code, descr, is_active FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` ORDER BY code', __FILE__, __LINE__); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) { // List all countries $OUT = ''; while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Prepare array for the template $content['active'] = translateYesNo($content['is_active']); // Load row template and switch colors $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_country_row', true, $content); } // END - while // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } else { // No code setup so far (not possible by this software! 'DE' for 'Deutschland' is default $OUT = loadTemplate('admin_list_country_no_row', true); } // Add list to constant for the template $content['rows'] = $OUT; // Include add template $content['add_form'] = loadTemplate('admin_add_country', true); // Load main template loadTemplate('admin_list_country', false, $content); } // [EOF] ?>