0) { // Some unconfirmed mails left if ($_GET['del'] == "all") { // Delete all unconfirmed mails by this user SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_links` WHERE userid=%s LIMIT %s", array(bigintval($_GET['u_id']), $nums), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Prepare mail and send it away $msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("admin-del_links", $nums, bigintval($_GET['u_id'])); SEND_EMAIL($email, getMessage('ADMIN_DEL_LINK_SUBJ'), $msg); // Display message LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, getMessage('ADMIN_LINKS_DELETED')); } else { // List all unconfirmed mails $SW = 2; $OUT = ""; while (list($id, $id2, $type) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) { // Initializes some variables $cat = ""; $DATA = ""; $PROBLEM = GENERAL_MAIL_PROBLEM; $result_data = false; // Closes Bug #58 // Load data from stats table... switch ($type) { case "NORMAL": $result_data = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT subject, timestamp_ordered, cat_id FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_stats` WHERE id=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__); $type = "mailid"; $DATA = $id; $PROBLEM = getMessage('NORMAL_MAIL_PROBLEM'); $LINK = "".$id.""; break; case "BONUS": $result_data = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT subject, timestamp, cat_id FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_bonus` WHERE id=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($id2)), __FILE__, __LINE__); $type = "bonusid"; $DATA = $id2; $PROBLEM = getMessage('BONUS_MAIL_PROBLEM'); $LINK = "".$id2.""; break; default: // Problem in application detected! // Log the error DEBUG_LOG(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid email type %s detected.", $type)); break; } if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_data) == 1) { // Mail was found! list($subject, $timestamp, $cat) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_data); SQL_FREERESULT($result_data); if (empty($subject)) $subject = getMessage('DEFAULT_SUBJECT_LINE'); // Prepare data for the row template $content = array( 'sw' => $SW, 'link' => $LINK, 'subj' => $subject, 'stamp' => MAKE_DATETIME($timestamp, "0"), 'cat' => GET_CATEGORY($cat), ); // Load row template $OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_list_links_row", true, $content); } else { // Load template for error $OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_list_links_problem", array( 'sw' => $SW, 'problem' => $PROBLEM, 'data' => $DATA ) ); } $SW = 3 - $SW; } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Remember list in constant for the template define('__SNAME_VALUE', $sname); define('__FNAME_VALUE', $fname); define('__EMAIL_VALUE', "".$email.""); define('__EMAIL_LIST' , $OUT); define('__NUMS_VALUE' , $nums); define('__UID' , bigintval($_GET['u_id'])); // Load final template LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_list_links"); } } else { // No mails left to confirm LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, sprintf(getMessage('ADMIN_MEMBER_LINKS'), $_GET['u_id'])); } } else { // User not found LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, sprintf(getMessage('ADMIN_MEMBER_404'), $_GET['u_id'])); } } else { // Output selection form with all confirmed user accounts listed ADD_MEMBER_SELECTION_BOX(); } // ?>