$sel) { // Secure id $id = bigintval($id); // Update entry SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` SET url='%s', alternate='%s', `visible`='%s' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array( postRequestElement('url', $id), postRequestElement('alternate', $id), postRequestElement('visible'), $id ), __FILE__, __LINE__); } break; } if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() == 1) { $content = getMessage('SETTINGS_SAVED'); } else { $content = "{--SETTINGS_NOT_SAVED--}"; } loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, $content); } elseif ((countPostSelection() > 0) && (isPostRequestElementSet('edit'))) { // Edit banner $SW = 2; $OUT = ''; foreach (postRequestElement('sel') as $id => $sel) { // Load data $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT url, alternate, visible FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__); list($url, $alt, $vis) = SQL_FETCHROW($result); SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Preapre data for the row $content = array( 'sw' => $SW, 'id' => $id, 'url' => $url, 'alt' => $alt, 'vis' => addSelectionBox('yn', $vis , 'visible'), ); // Load row template and switch color $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_refbanner_edit_row', true, $content); $SW = 3 - $SW; } // Load main template loadTemplate('admin_refbanner_edit', false, $OUT); } else { if ((countPostSelection() > 0) && (isPostRequestElementSet('del'))) { // Delete banner foreach (postRequestElement('sel') as $id => $sel) { SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // END - foreach } // END - if // Referal levels $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT id, url, alternate, visible, counter, clicks FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` ORDER BY url", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Entries found? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) { // Make referal banner editable and deletable $OUT = ''; $SW = 2; while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Preapre data for the row // @TODO Rewritings: alt->alternate,cnt->counter,clx->clicks in template $content = array( 'sw' => $SW, 'id' => $content['id'], 'url' => $content['url'], 'alt' => $content['alternate'], 'vis' => translateYesNo($content['visible']), 'cnt' => $content['counter'], 'clx' => $content['clicks'] ); // Load row template and switch color $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_refbanner_row', true, $content); $SW = 3 - $SW; } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Load main template loadTemplate('admin_refbanner', false, $OUT); } // Form for adding new referal levels loadTemplate('admin_add_banner'); } // [EOF] ?>