0) { // Members are available so we can send out the newsletter! while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Construct mail... $template = 'newsletter'; // Check for extension and sending-mode if (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE('html_mail', true) && (REQUEST_POST('mode') == 'html')) { // Set mode to text mode REQUEST_POST('mode') == "text"; } elseif (REQUEST_POST('mode') == 'html') { // Set HTML templates $template = "newsletter_html"; } // Compile message REQUEST_SET_POST('text', COMPILE_CODE(REQUEST_POST('text'))); // Load template $msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE($template, array('text' => REQUEST_POST('text')), $content['userid']); // ... and send it away! SEND_NEWSLETTER($content['email'], REQUEST_POST('subject'), $msg, REQUEST_POST('mode')); } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Output message LOAD_TEMPLATE('admin_settings_saved', false, getMessage('ADMIN_NL_SEND_DONE')); } } else { // Copy data into constants for the template and load it // @TODO Rewrite this constant define('_DATESTAMP', generateDateTime(time(), '3')); if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('html_mail')) { // Load template with HTML mode LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_newsletter"); } else { // Load template with only text mode LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_newsletter_nohtml"); } } // ?>