0)) { // Is a user account found? if (fetchUserData(getRequestParameter('userid'))) { // Load the data $content = getUserDataArray(); // Including user id $content['userid'] = bigintval(getRequestParameter('userid')); // Shall we send the email? if (isFormSent()) { // Insert text $content['text'] = trim(secureString(postRequestParameter('text'))); // Load email template $message = loadEmailTemplate('member_contct', $content, getRequestParameter('userid')); // Send contact form out sendEmail($content['email'], '{--ADMIN_CONTACT_USER_SUBJECT--}', $message); // Display message loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '{--ADMIN_USER_CONTACTED--}'); } else { // Load contact form template loadTemplate('admin_contct_user_form', false, $content); } } else { // Not found? loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_USER_ACCOUNT_404', bigintval(getRequestParameter('userid')))); } } else { // Display selection box addMemberSelectionBox(); } // [EOF] ?>