0) { // List all online users $OUT = ''; $SW = 2; while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) { // Fix empty action/what if (empty($content['action'])) $content['action'] = '---'; if (empty($content['what'])) $content['what'] = '---'; if ($content['is_admin'] == 'Y') { // Is an administrator $content['userid'] = getMessage('_IS_ADMIN'); } elseif (($content['is_member'] != 'Y') && ($content['is_admin'] != 'Y')) { // Is a guest $content['userid'] = getMessage('_IS_GUEST'); } elseif ($content['userid'] > 0) { // Add profile link to userid $content['userid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']); } // END - if // Is the refid set? if ($content['refid'] > 0) { // Add profile link to referer id $content['refid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['refid']); } // END - if // Add more content $content['sw'] = $SW; $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], '2'); // Load row template and switch color $OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_online_row', true, $content); $SW = 3 - $SW; } // END - while // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Remember rows and fancy time in array $content['rows'] = $OUT; $content['online_timeout'] = createFancyTime(getConfig('online_timeout')); // Load footer template loadTemplate('admin_list_online', false, $content); } // END - if } else { // Online statistics deactivated! loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, getMessage('ONLINE_STATISTICS_DEACTIVATED')); } // [EOF] ?>