{--VALIDATING_LOGIN--}"; if (isUserIdSet() && (isSessionVariableSet('u_hash'))) { // Is 'theme' installed and activated? if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('theme')) { // Login failures are supported since 0.4.7 // Do we have 0.4.7 of sql_patches or later? $add = ''; if (GET_EXT_VERSION('sql_patches') >= '0.6.1') { // Load them here $add = ", `login_failures`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_failure`) AS last_failure"; } // END - if // Get theme from profile $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `curr_theme`".$add." FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1", array(getUserId()), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Load data $data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result); // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result); // Change to new theme setSession('mxchange_theme', $data['curr_theme']); // Remmeber login failures if available if (GET_EXT_VERSION('sql_patches') >= '0.6.1') { // Reset login failures SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` SET `login_failures`=0, `last_failure`='0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE `userid`=%s LIMIT 1", array(getUserId()), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Store it in session setSession('mxchange_member_failures', $data['login_failures']); setSession('mxchange_member_last_fail', $data['last_failure']); } // END - if } // END - if // Bonus is not given by default ;-) $bonus = false; if ((GET_EXT_VERSION('sql_patches') >= '0.2.8') && (GET_EXT_VERSION('bonus') >= '0.2.1') && (getConfig('bonus_login_yn') == 'Y')) { // Update last login if far enougth away SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` SET `last_login`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `userid`=%s AND `last_login` < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %s) LIMIT 1", array( getUserId(), getConfig('login_timeout') ), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); if (SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() == 1) $bonus = true; } // END - if if (($bonus === true) && (REQUEST_GET('mode') == 'bonus') && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('bonus'))) { // Output message with added points $message .= "
".sprintf(getMessage('BONUS_LOGIN_BONUS_ADDED'), translateComma(getConfig('login_bonus')))."
"; } elseif (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('bonus')) { // No login bonus added! $message .= "
"; } // Redirect to member area $message .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("member_login_js", true); } else { // Login failed! $message .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("login_failed_js", true); } // Output final message LOAD_TEMPLATE('admin_settings_saved', false, $message); // ?>