time()) && (!IS_ADMIN()) && (getConfig('profile_lock') > 0)) { // You cannot change your account define('CHANGE', "
".sprintf(getMessage('MEMBER_PROFILE_LOCKED'), generateDateTime($DATA[13] + getConfig('profile_lock'), '0'))."
"); } else { // He is allowed to change his profile define('CHANGE', LOAD_TEMPLATE("member_mydata_button", true)); } if (strlen($DATA[7]) == 1) $DATA[7] = '0'.$DATA[7]; if (strlen($DATA[8]) == 1) $DATA[8] = '0'.$DATA[8]; switch (getLanguage()) { case 'de': define('DOB', $DATA[7].'.'.$DATA[8].'.'.$DATA[9]); break; default : define('DOB', $DATA[8].'-'.$DATA[7].'-'.$DATA[9]); break; } if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('country')) { // Load country's description and code $DATA[3] = COUNTRY_GENERATE_INFO($DATA[3]); } // Load template LOAD_TEMPLATE('member_mydata_overview'); break; case 'edit': // Edit data if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('country', true)) { // New way 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT surname, family, street_nr, country_code, zip, city, email, birth_day, birth_month, birth_year, gender, max_mails, receive_mails, last_update FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1", array(constant('UID_VALUE')), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { // Old way 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT surname, family, street_nr, country, zip, city, email, birth_day, birth_month, birth_year, gender, max_mails, receive_mails, last_update FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1", array(constant('UID_VALUE')), __FILE__, __LINE__); } $DATA = SQL_FETCHROW($result); SQL_FREERESULT($result); $DATA[13] = $DATA[12] + getConfig('profile_lock'); // How far is last change on his profile away from now? if (($DATA[13] > time()) && (!IS_ADMIN()) && (getConfig('profile_lock') > 0)) { $DATA[13] = generateDateTime($DATA[13] + getConfig('profile_lock'), '0'); // You cannot change your account LOAD_TEMPLATE('member_mydata_locked'); } else { // He is allowed to change his profile switch ($DATA[10]) { case 'M': define('M_DEFAULT', ' selected="selected"'); define('F_DEFAULT', ''); define('C_DEFAULT', ''); break; case 'F': define('M_DEFAULT', ''); define('F_DEFAULT', ' selected="selected"'); define('C_DEFAULT', ''); break; case 'C': define('M_DEFAULT', ''); define('F_DEFAULT', ''); define('C_DEFAULT', ' selected="selected"'); break; } $DOB = ''; switch (getLanguage()) { case 'de': // German date format // Day $DOB .= ADD_SELECTION('day', $DATA[7]); // Month $DOB .= ADD_SELECTION('month', $DATA[8]); // Year $DOB .= ADD_SELECTION('year', $DATA[9]); break; default: // Default is the US date format... :) break; } define('DOB', $DOB); define('MAX_REC_LIST', addMaxReceiveList('member', $DATA[11], true)); if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('country')) { // Generate selection box $OUT = ""; define('__COUNTRY_CONTENT', $OUT); } else { // Ouput default input box define('__COUNTRY_CONTENT', ""); } // Load template LOAD_TEMPLATE('member_mydata_edit'); } break; case 'save': // Save entered data // Load old email / password: 0 1 2 $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT email, password, last_update FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1", array(getUserId()), __FILE__, __LINE__); $DATA = SQL_FETCHROW($result); SQL_FREERESULT($result); $DATA[3] = $DATA[2] + getConfig('profile_lock'); // How far is last change on his profile away from now? if (($DATA[3] > time()) && (!IS_ADMIN()) && (getConfig('profile_lock') > 0)) { $DATA[3] = generateDateTime($DATA[3] + getConfig('profile_lock'), '0'); // You cannot change your account LOAD_TEMPLATE("member_mydata_locked"); } elseif (!VALIDATE_EMAIL(REQUEST_POST('addy'))) { // Invalid email address! LOAD_TEMPLATE('admin_settings_saved', false, getMessage('INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ENTERED')); } else { // Generate hash $hash = generateHash(REQUEST_POST('pass1'), substr($DATA[1], 0, -40)); if ((($hash == $DATA[1]) || (REQUEST_POST('pass1') == REQUEST_POST('pass2'))) && (REQUEST_ISSET_POST(('pass1')))) { // Only on simple changes normal mode is active = no email or password changed $mode = 'normal'; $AND = ''; // Did the user changed the password? if ($hash != $DATA[1]) { $AND = ", password='".$hash."'"; $mode = 'pass'; } // Or did he changed his password? if (REQUEST_POST('addy') != $DATA[0]) { // Jupp if ($mode == 'normal') { $mode = 'email'; } else { $mode .= ";email"; } REQUEST_SET_POST('old_addy', $DATA[0]); } // Update member's profile if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE('country')) { // New way SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` SET gender='%s', surname='%s', family='%s', street_nr='%s', country_code=%s, zip=%s, city='%s', email='%s', birth_day=%s, birth_month=%s, birth_year=%s, max_mails=%s, last_update=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()".$AND.", notified='N', last_profile_sent=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE userid=%s AND password='%s' LIMIT 1", array( REQUEST_POST('gender'), REQUEST_POST('surname'), REQUEST_POST('family'), REQUEST_POST('street_nr'), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('country_code')), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('zip')), REQUEST_POST('city'), REQUEST_POST('addy'), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('day')), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('month')), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('year')), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('max_mails')), UID_VALUE, getSession('u_hash') ), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { // Old way SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` SET gender='%s', surname='%s', family='%s', street_nr='%s', country='%s', zip=%s, city='%s', email='%s', birth_day=%s, birth_month=%s, birth_year=%s, max_mails='%s', last_update=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()".$AND.", notified='N', last_profile_sent=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE userid=%s AND password='%s' LIMIT 1", array( REQUEST_POST('gender'), REQUEST_POST('surname'), REQUEST_POST('family'), REQUEST_POST('street_nr'), REQUEST_POST('cntry'), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('zip')), REQUEST_POST('city'), REQUEST_POST('addy'), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('day')), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('month')), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('year')), bigintval(REQUEST_POST('max_mails')), UID_VALUE, getSession('u_hash') ), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Get all modes ... $modes = explode(';', $mode); // ... and run them through sendModeMails ('mydata', $modes); } else { // Entered wrong pass for updating profile LOAD_TEMPLATE('admin_settings_saved', false, getMessage('MEBER_UPDATE_PWD_WRONG')); } } break; case 'notify': // Switch off notfication SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` SET notified='N', last_update=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE userid=%s LIMIT 1", array(getUserId()), __FILE__, __LINE__); $URL = 'modules.php?module=login&what=welcome&msg=' . urlencode(getMessage('PROFILE_UPDATED')); break; } if (!empty($URL)) { // Load generated URL redirectToUrl($URL); } // ?>