"); if ((!isWhatSet()) && (!isActionSet()) && (getOutputMode() != 1) && (getOutputMode() != -1)) { if (getModule() == 'admin') { // Set 'action' value to 'login' in admin menu setAction(getModeAction(getModule(), getWhat())); } elseif ((getModule() == 'index') || (getModule() == 'login')) { // Set 'what' value to 'welcome' in guest and member menu setWhat('welcome'); if (getConfig('index_home') != '') setWhatFromConfig('index_home'); } else { // Anything else like begging link setWhat(''); } } // END - if // Update sending pool if ((getOutputMode() != '1') && (getOutputMode() != '-1')) loadIncludeOnce('inc/pool-update.php'); // Sends out mails in configureable steps // Load all active extension including language files when not upgrading. // Check module for testing and count one click if (checkModulePermissions(getModule()) == 'done') countModuleHit(getModule()); // Shall we activate the exchange? if (getConfig('activate_xchange') > 0) activateExchange(); // Is the extension sql_patches installed and at least 0.3.6? if (GET_EXT_VERSION('sql_patches') >= '0.3.6') { // Generate random number define('RAND_NUMBER', generateRandomCode(10, mt_rand(10000,32766), getUserId(), '')); } else { // Generate weak (!!!) code define('RAND_NUMBER', mt_rand(1000000, 9999999)); } } else { // Wrong database? addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, getMessage('WRONG_DB_SELECTED')); } } else { // No link to database! addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, getMessage('NO_DB_LINK')); } } else { // Maybe you forgot to enter your MySQL data? addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, getMessage('MYSQL_DATA_MISSING')); } } else { /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include neccessary functions for installation // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Default output is 'direct' for HTML output setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', 'direct'); // This hack prevents a backtrace in CSS output if (getOutputMode() == '1') { // Problem with config so set output mode setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', 'render'); } // END - if // Set other missing variables if (!isOutputModeSet()) setOutputMode('0'); // Include databases.php loadIncludeOnce('inc/databases.php'); // Init session loadIncludeOnce('inc/session.php'); // Load versions loadIncludeOnce('inc/versions.php'); // Check if we are in installation routine if ((!isInstalling()) && (getOutputMode() != '1') && (getOutputMode() != -1)) { // Redirect to the installation system redirectToUrl('install.php'); } // END - if // Double-check installation mode if ((!isInstalled()) || (!isAdminRegistered())) { // Check for file permissions if (!isIncludeWriteable('config')) { addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, getMessage('CONFIG_IS_WRITE_PROTECTED')); } // END - if if (!isIncludeWriteable('dummy')) { addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, getMessage('DUMMY_IS_WRITE_PROTECTED')); } // END - if if (!isIncludeWriteable('.secret/dummy')) { addFatalMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, getMessage('SECRET_IS_WRITE_PROTECTED')); } // END - if } // END - if // Run the init filter chain runFilterChain('init'); // Load extension 'sql_patches' LOAD_EXTENSION('sql_patches'); // Load configuration file(s) here loadIncludeOnce('inc/load_config.php'); } // Init session loadIncludeOnce('inc/session.php'); // Load versions loadIncludeOnce('inc/versions.php'); if ((getTotalFatalErrors() > 0) && (isInstalled()) && (!isInstalling()) && (getOutputMode() != '1')) { // One or more fatal error(s) occur during connect... loadIncludeOnce('inc/header.php'); loadIncludeOnce('inc/fatal_errors.php'); loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php'); } // END - if // ?>