$userid) { // Lookup user id //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*L:'.__LINE__.'/'.SQL_NUMROWS($result_user).'*'); if (fetchUserData($userid)) { // Do we have a stats entry? $result_stats = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `pool_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s AND timestamp_ordered='%s' LIMIT 1", array($DATA['id'], $DATA['sender'], $DATA['timestamp']), __FILE__, __LINE__); // If there's no stats entry add it! //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('!L:'.__LINE__.'/'.SQL_NUMROWS($result_stats).'!'); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_stats) == 0) { // No entry was found, so we add him! SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` (`pool_id` , `userid`, `cat_id`, `payment_id`, `subject`, `url` , `max_rec` , `timestamp_ordered`, `timestamp_sstart`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s' , UNIX_TIMESTAMP())", array(bigintval($DATA['id']), bigintval($DATA['sender']), bigintval($DATA['cat_id']), bigintval($DATA['payment_id']), $DATA['subject'], $DATA['url'], $DATA['target_send'], bigintval($DATA['timestamp'])), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Receive it's id for the links table $result_stats = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `pool_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s AND timestamp_ordered='%s' LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($DATA['id']), bigintval($DATA['sender']), bigintval($DATA['timestamp'])), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // END - if //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('!L:'.__LINE__.'/'.SQL_NUMROWS($result_stats).'!'); if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_stats) == 1) { // We got one! list($stats_id) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_stats); // Mark this user as "spammed" ;-) And place a line for him... //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('?L:'.__LINE__.'/'.$dummy.'/'.$key.'/'.$userid.'('.['sender'].')/'.$DATA['id'].'/'.$stats_id.'?'); switch (removeReceiver($dummy, $key, bigintval($userid), bigintval($DATA['id']), bigintval($stats_id))) { case 'done': // Prepare the mail $DATA['stats_id'] = bigintval($stats_id); // Replace text variables foreach ($GLOBALS['replacer'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($DATA[$key])) $DATA['text'] = str_replace($value, $DATA[$key], $DATA['text']); } // END - if // Prepare content $DATA['time'] = getPaymentPoints($DATA['payment_id'], 'time'); $DATA['points'] = getPaymentPoints($DATA['payment_id'], 'payment'); // Load message template $mailText = loadEmailTemplate('normal-mail', $DATA, bigintval($userid)); // Send mail away sendEmail(getUserData('email'), $DATA['subject'], $mailText, $HTML); // Count sent mails... SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` SET emails_sent=emails_sent+1 WHERE `userid`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($DATA['sender'])), __FILE__, __LINE__); if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('user', '0.1.4')) { // Update mails received for receiver SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` SET `emails_received`=`emails_received`+1 WHERE `userid`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($userid)), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // END - if // Update mediadata if version is 0.0.4 or higher if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('mediadata', '0.0.4')) { // Update entry (or add missing) //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*MEDIA/L:'.__LINE__.'*'); updateMediadataEntry(array('total_send', 'normal_send'), 'add', 1); } // END - if // And count up the mail $GLOBALS['pool_cnt']++; //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*EXIT/L:'.__LINE__.'/'.$GLOBALS['pool_cnt'].'*'); break; case 'already': // Entry already found, but we still count one up! $GLOBALS['pool_cnt']++; //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*EXIT/L:'.__LINE__.'/'.$GLOBALS['pool_cnt']); break; } } // Do we have reached the maximum to send mails? || (getConfig('max_send') >= $GLOBALS['pool_cnt']) //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*L:'.__LINE__.'/'.$GLOBALS['pool_cnt'].'>='.$DATA['target_send'].'/'.getConfig('max_send').'>='.$GLOBALS['pool_cnt'].'/'.$lastSentId.'!='.$DATA['id'].'*'); if ((($GLOBALS['pool_cnt'] >= $DATA['target_send'])) && ($lastSentId != $DATA['id'])) { // Prepare content $content = array( 'sender_userid' => $DATA['sender'], 'cat_id' => $DATA['cat_id'], 'text' => $DATA['text'], 'url' => $DATA['url'], 'expiration' => createFancyTime(getPaymentPoints($DATA['payment_id'], 'time')) ); // Yes we do, so we notify admin and sender about fully sent mail! sendAdminNotification('{--ADMIN_SEND_DONE_SUBJECT--}', 'done-admin', $content, $userid); // Get sender's data if (fetchUserData($DATA['sender'])) { // Load email template $mailText = loadEmailTemplate('done-member', $content, $DATA['sender']); // Send it also waway sendEmail(getUserData('email'), '{--MEMBER_SEND_DONE_SUBJECT--}', $mailText); } // END - if // Set status to SEND because we completely send it away SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` SET `data_type`='SEND', `target_send`=0, `receivers`='' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($DATA['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Update send-completed-time SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` SET `timestamp_send`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `pool_id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($DATA['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__); $lastSentId = $DATA['id']; $GLOBALS['pool_cnt'] = '0'; $cnt2 += $GLOBALS['pool_cnt']; // Update mediadata if version is 0.0.4 or higher if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('mediadata', '0.0.4')) { // Update entry (or add missing) //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*MEDIA/L:'.__LINE__.'*'); updateMediadataEntry(array('total_orders', 'normal_orders'), 'add', 1); } // END - if //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*EXIT/L:'.__LINE__.'/'.$P); break; } // Do we have send maximum mails? elseif (($GLOBALS['pool_cnt'] >= getConfig('max_send')) || ($cnt2 >= getConfig('max_send'))) { // There are some mails left to send for next round, so we reset the status back to NEW (=still not fully delivered) $add = ''; if ($GLOBALS['pool_cnt'] <= $DATA['target_send']) $add = ", target_send=target_send-".$GLOBALS['pool_cnt']; SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` SET `data_type`='NEW', receivers='%s'" . $add . " WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array( implode(';', $dummy), bigintval($DATA['id']) ), __FILE__, __LINE__); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*EXIT/L:'.__LINE__.'*'); break; } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result_stats); } else { // User does not exists so we have add the sender's points back to sender's account if (($receiverS['id'] == '0') || (empty($receiverS['id']))) { // List was empty SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` SET `data_type`='SEND' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($DATA['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { // Is the userid set? if ($userid > 0) { // User does not exists, pay points back $points = getPaymentPoints($DATA['payment_id']); addPointsDirectly('pool_payback', $DATA['sender'], $points); // Add points together and remove user $pointsBack[$DATA['sender']] += $points; } // END - if // Count up $cnt_back[$DATA['sender']]++; } // Remove entry from list unset($dummy[$key]); // Update receivers SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` SET `receivers`='%s' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(implode(';', $dummy), bigintval($DATA['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__); } } // END - foreach } // END - if } // END - while // Do we have points to "pay back"? if ((count($pointsBack) > 0) && (!empty($pointsBack[0]))) { // Walk through all points foreach ($pointsBack as $userid => $PB) { // Add points only when we have points left to add and a valid user id if (($PB > 0) && ($userid > 0)) { // Prepare content $content = array( 'points' => $PB ); // We have to pay back some points to the sender (we add them directly :-P) if (fetchUserData($userid)) { // User account does exists, so we can safely pay back! $mailText = loadEmailTemplate('back-member', $content, bigintval($userid)); // Send mail out to member sendEmail(getUserData('email'), '{--MEMBER_BACK_JACKPOT--}' . ' (' . $userid . ')', $mailText); } elseif (isExtensionActive('jackpot')) { // Add to jackpot addPointsToJackpot($PB); // Send mail out to admin sendAdminNotification('{--ADMIN_BACK_JACKPOT--}' . ' (' . $userid . ')', 'back-admin', $content, 'admin'); } } // END - if } // END - foreach } // END - if } // END - if // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result_main); // Remove variable unset($mailText); // [EOF] ?>