= 0.1.9) if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('task', '0.1.9')) && (getConfig('autopurge_tasks') == 'Y')) { // Select all tasks that needs purging $result = sqlQuery("SELECT `id`, `assigned_admin`, `userid`, `status`, `task_type`, `subject`, `task_created` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` WHERE `status`='DELETED' AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - `task_created`) >= {?ap_tasks_time?}", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Send out a notification? if (!ifSqlHasZeroNums($result)) { // Init output and load all rows $output = ''; $ids = array(); while ($row = sqlFetchArray($result)) { // "Translate" creation timestamp $row['task_created'] = generateDateTime($row['task_created'], '1'); // Load row template $output .= loadEmailTemplate('admin_purge_task_row', $row); // Remember id number for deletion array_push($ids, $row['id']); } // END - while // Init content array $content = array( 'count' => sqlNumRows($result), 'rows' => $output ); // Delete all tasks sqlQuery('DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` WHERE `id` IN (' . implode(', ', $ids) . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__); // Send out email to admin sendAdminNotification('{--ADMIN_AUTOPURGE_TASKS_SUBJECT--}', 'admin_purge_task', $content); } // END - if // Free result sqlFreeResult($result); } // END - if // ?>