'quix0r', // No default value for current file name 'File' => 11, // No default value for revision number 'Revision' => 10, // No default value for date 'Date' => 9, // Default branch 'Tag' => 8 ); // Add Revision, Date, Tag and Author $GLOBALS['repository_search_for'] = array( 'File', 'Revision', 'Date', 'Tag', 'Author' ); } // "Getter" for revision/version data function getRepositoryData ($type = 'Revision') { //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ret[' . $type . '] - ENTERED!'); // Default is an invalid value to find bugs... :-) $ret = 'INVALID'; // By default nothing is new... ;-) $new = FALSE; // Is the cache entry there? if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'][$type][0])) { // Found so increase cache hit incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits'); // Return it $ret = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'][$type][0]; //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ret[' . $type . ']=' . $ret); } else { // FQFN of revision file $FQFN = sprintf("%s/.revision", getCachePath()); // Check if 'check_revision_data' is setted (switch for manually rewrite the .revision-File) if ((isGetRequestElementSet('check_revision_data')) && (getRequestElement('check_revision_data') == 'yes')) { // Forced rebuild of .revision file $new = TRUE; } else { // Check for revision file if (!isFileReadable($FQFN)) { // Not found, so we need to create it $new = TRUE; } else { // Revision file found $ins_vers = explode(PHP_EOL, readFromFile($FQFN)); // Get array for mapping information $mapper = array_flip($GLOBALS['repository_search_for']); //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('
mapper='.print_r($mapper, TRUE).'
'.print_r($ins_vers, TRUE).'
'); // Is the content valid? if ((!is_array($ins_vers)) || (count($ins_vers) <= 0) || (!isset($ins_vers[$mapper[$type]])) || (trim($ins_vers[$mapper[$type]]) == '') || ($ins_vers[0]) == 'new') { // File needs update! $new = TRUE; } else { // Generate fake cache entry foreach ($mapper as $map => $idx) { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'][$map][0] = $ins_vers[$idx]; } // END - foreach // Return found value $ret = getRepositoryData($type); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ret[' . $type . ']=' . $ret); } } } // Has it been updated? if ($new === TRUE) { // Write it writeToFile($FQFN, implode(PHP_EOL, getArrayFromRepositoryData())); // ... and call recursive $ret = getRepositoryData($type); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ret[' . $type . ']=' . $ret); } // END - if } // Return the value //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'ret[' . $type . ']=' . $ret . ' - EXIT!'); return $ret; } // Extracts requested revision info from given file data function extractRevisionInfoFromData ($fileData, $search) { // Default is to return empty string $ret = ''; // Searches for "$search-tag:VALUE$" or "$search-tag::VALUE$"(the stylish keywordversion ;-)) in the lates modified file $GLOBALS['revision_res'] += preg_match('@\$' . $search . '(:|::) (.*) \$@U', $fileData, $t); // Make sure only valid and trimmed entries are used if (isset($t[2])) { $ret = trim($t[2]); } // END - if // Return the result return $ret; } // Extracts requested revison info for given file name by reading it's content // and parsing it with extractRevisionInfoFromData(). function extractRevisionInfoFromFile ($FQFN, $search) { // Read the file $fileData = readFromFile($FQFN); // Call the extract function and return the result return extractRevisionInfoFromData($fileData, $search); } // Gets an array back for current repository data. // @TODO This function does also set and get in 'cache_array' function getArrayFromRepositoryData () { // Init array $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'] = array(); // Init variables $next_dir = ''; // Directory to start with search $last_changed = array( 'path_name' => '', 'time' => 0 ); // Init return array $akt_vers = array(); // Init value for counting the founded keywords $GLOBALS['revision_res'] = '0'; // Searches all Files and there date of the last modifikation and puts the newest File in $last_changed. searchDirsRecursive($next_dir, $last_changed, 'Revision'); // Get file $last_file = readFromFile($last_changed['path_name']); // Save the last-changed filename for debugging $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['File'][0] = $last_changed['path_name']; // This foreach loops the $searchFor-Tags (array('Revision', 'Date', 'Tag', 'Author') --> could easaly extended in the future) foreach ($GLOBALS['repository_search_for'] as $search) { // This extracts the requested data $search from file data $last_file if ($search != 'File') { // Skip 'File' because we have set it some lines above $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'][$search][0] = extractRevisionInfoFromData($last_file, $search); //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'search=' . $search . ',data=' . $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'][$search][0]); } // END - if } // END - foreach // at least 3 keyword-Tags are needed for propper values if ($GLOBALS['revision_res'] && $GLOBALS['revision_res'] >= 3 && isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Revision'][0]) && !empty($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Revision'][0]) && isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Date'][0]) && !empty($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Date'][0]) && isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Tag'][0]) && !empty($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Tag'][0])) { // Prepare content witch need special treadment // Prepare timestamp for date preg_match('@(....)-(..)-(..) (..):(..):(..)@', $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Date'][0], $match_d); $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Date'][0] = mktime($match_d[4], $match_d[5], $match_d[6], $match_d[2], $match_d[3], $match_d[1]); // Add author to the Tag if the author is set and is not quix0r (lead coder) if ((isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Author'][0])) && ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Author'][0] != 'quix0r')) { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Tag'][0] .= '-' . strtoupper($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['Author'][0]); } // END - if } else { // No valid Data from the last modificated file so read the Revision from the Server. Fallback-solution!! Should not be removed I think. $version = sendGetRequest('check-updates3.php'); // Invalid request reply? if (!isset($version[11])) { // Cannot continue here reportBug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Invalid response from check-updates3.php, count should be at least 11, is ' . count($version)); } // END - if // Prepare content // Only sets not setted or not proper values to the Online-Server-Fallback-Solution foreach ($GLOBALS['repository_search_for'] as $entry) { // Is it not set or empty? if ((!isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'][$entry][0])) || (empty($GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']['File'][0]))) { // Is default data entry nummerical? if (is_numeric($GLOBALS['default_repository_data'][$entry])) { // Use entry from $version $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'][$entry][0] = trim($version[$GLOBALS['default_repository_data'][$entry]]); } else { // Non-numeric -> use it directly $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision'][$entry][0] = $GLOBALS['default_repository_data'][$entry]; } } // END - if } // END - if } // Temporary remove [0] from array $array = $GLOBALS['cache_array']['revision']; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if ((is_array($value)) && (isset($value[0]))) { unset($array[$key][0]); $array[$key] = $value[0]; } // END - if } // END - if // Return prepared array return $array; } // [EOF] ?>