'; debug_print_backtrace(); die(''; return ((isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) && (getExtensionVersion($ext_name) >= $version)); } // Wrapper function for checking if extension is installed and older than given version function isExtensionInstalledAndOlder ($ext_name, $version) { // Return it //* DEBUG: */ print __FUNCTION__.':'.$ext_name.'<'.$version.'
'; return ((isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) && (isExtensionOlder($ext_name, $version))); } // Set username function setUsername ($userName) { $GLOBALS['username'] = (string) $userName; } // Get username function getUsername () { return $GLOBALS['username']; } // Wrapper function for installation phase function isInstallationPhase () { // Do we have cache? if (!isset($GLOBALS['installation_phase'])) { // Determine it $GLOBALS['installation_phase'] = ((!isInstalled()) || (isInstalling())); } // END - if // Return result return $GLOBALS['installation_phase']; } // Checks wether the extension demo is actuve and the admin login is demo (password needs to be demo, too!) function isDemoModeActive () { return ((isExtensionActive('demo')) && (getSession('admin_login') == 'demo')); } // Wrapper function to redirect to de-refered URL function redirectToDereferedUrl ($URL) { // De-refer the URL $URL = generateDerefererUrl($URL); // Redirect to to redirectToUrl($URL); } // Getter for PHP caching value function getPhpCaching () { return $GLOBALS['php_caching']; } // Checks wether the admin hash is set function isAdminHashSet ($admin) { return isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['admin']['password'][$admin]); } // Setter for admin hash function setAdminHash ($admin, $hash) { $GLOBALS['cache_array']['admin']['password'][$admin] = $hash; } // [EOF] ?>