0)) { $url = getUrl(); $time = 1; } // END - if if (($time > 0) && (($payment > 0) || ($points > 0))) { // Set HTTP status to okay setHttpStatus('200 OK'); // Export data into constants for the template $content = array( 'userid' => $userId, 'type' => $type, 'data' => $urlId, 'url' => $url ); // Load template loadTemplate('mailid_frames', FALSE, $content); } else { $errorCode = getCode('DATA_INVALID'); } } else { $errorCode = getCode('POSSIBLE_INVALID'); } } else { $errorCode = getCode('ACCOUNT_' . strtoupper(getUserData('status'))); } } else { $errorCode = getCode('USER_404'); } } else { $errorCode = getCode('STATS_404'); } } else { $errorCode = getCode('ALREADY_CONFIRMED'); } // Free result SQL_FREERESULT($result_link); } else { // Nothing entered $errorCode = getCode('ERROR_MAILID'); } // Error code is set? handleMailIdErrorCode($errorCode); // Include footer loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php'); // [EOF] ?>