'0', 'userid' => '0', 'id' => '0', 'code' => '0', 'do' => 'frames', 'type' => '', ); // Secure all data if (isGetRequestElementSet('userid')) $data['userid'] = bigintval(getRequestElement('userid')); if (isGetRequestElementSet('id')) $data['id'] = bigintval(getRequestElement('id')); if (isGetRequestElementSet('code')) $data['code'] = bigintval(getRequestElement('code')); if (isGetRequestElementSet('do')) $data['do'] = getRequestElement('do'); if (isGetRequestElementSet('type')) $data['type'] = getRequestElement('type'); // @TODO Improve check on $data['type'], empty() is not very much ... if ((isValidId($data['userid'])) && (isValidId($data['id'])) && (!empty($data['type'])) && (!ifFatalErrorsDetected())) { // No image? if ($data['do'] != 'img') { // ... then output header loadIncludeOnce('inc/header.php'); } // END - fi // Is 'do' still "frames"? if ($data['do'] == 'frames') { // This is a frameset module $GLOBALS['frameset_mode'] = TRUE; } // END - if // Init result for below sqlNumRows() function $result_main = FALSE; // Maybe he wants to confirm an email? switch ($data['type']) { case 'normal': $result_main = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `id` AS `link_id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `stats_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1", array($data['id'], $data['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__); break; case 'bonus': $result_main = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `id` AS `link_id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `bonus_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1", array($data['id'], $data['userid']), __FILE__, __LINE__); break; default: // Not detected reportBug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'No valid type=' . $data['type'] . ' set.'); break; } // END - switch // Is an entry found? if (sqlNumRows($result_main) == 1) { // Is the stats id valid? $data = merge_array($data, sqlFetchArray($result_main)); // Init result here with invalid to avoid possible missing variable $result_mailid = FALSE; // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter/function switch ($data['link_type']) { case 'NORMAL': $result_mailid = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `pool_id`, `userid` AS `sender` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array($data['id']), __FILE__, __LINE__); break; case 'BONUS': $result_mailid = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `id` AS `pool_id`, `is_notify` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array($data['id']), __FILE__, __LINE__); break; default: // Unknown type reportBug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Unknown mail type ' . $data['link_type'] . ' detected.'); break; } // END - switch // Entry found? if (sqlNumRows($result_mailid) == 1) { // Load data $data = merge_array($data, sqlFetchArray($result_mailid)); // Correct notification switch in non-bonus mails if ((!isset($data['is_notify'])) || (!in_array($data['is_notify'], array('Y', 'N')))) { $data['is_notify'] = 'N'; } // END - if // Set sender to 0 when we have a bonus mail if ($data['link_type'] == 'BONUS') { $data['sender'] = NULL; } // END - if // Is the user id valid? if (fetchUserData($data['userid']) === TRUE) { // Is the user status CONFIRMED? if (getUserData('status') == 'CONFIRMED') { // User has confirmed his account so we can procede... // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter switch ($data['link_type']) { case 'NORMAL': $result = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `payment_id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `pool_id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($data['pool_id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Entry found? if (sqlNumRows($result) == 1) { $data = merge_array($data, sqlFetchArray($result)); $data['time'] = getPaymentTime($data['payment_id']); $data['payment'] = getPaymentPayment($data['payment_id']); $isValid = TRUE; } // END - if // Free memory... sqlFreeResult($result); break; case 'BONUS': $result = sqlQueryEscaped("SELECT `time`, `points` AS `payment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval($data['pool_id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Entry found? if (sqlNumRows($result) == 1) { $data = merge_array($data, sqlFetchArray($result)); $isValid = TRUE; } // END - if // Free memory... sqlFreeResult($result); break; default: // Unknown type reportBug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Unknown mail type ' . $data['link_type'] . ' detected.'); break; } // END - switch // Is this entry valid? if ($isValid === TRUE) { // Run at least one second if (($data['time'] < 1) && ($data['payment'] > 0)) { // Zero seconds is not supported $data['time'] = 1; } // END - if // Is time and payment set? if (($data['time'] > 0) && ($data['payment'] > 0)) { $data['real_code'] = '0'; if (!empty($data['code'])) { // Generate code (the user sees in the CAPTCHA) $data['real_code'] = generateRandomCode(getCodeLength(), $data['code'], $data['userid'], $data['id']); } // END - if // Do the call-back by given data array doMailIdCallback($data); } else { $data['error_code'] = getCode('DATA_INVALID'); $data['do'] = 'failed'; } } else { $data['error_code'] = getCode('POSSIBLE_INVALID'); $data['do'] = 'failed'; } } else { $data['error_code'] = getCode('ACCOUNT_' . strtoupper(getUserData('status'))); $data['do'] = 'failed'; } } else { $data['error_code'] = getCode('USER_404'); $data['do'] = 'failed'; } } else { $data['error_code'] = getCode('STATS_404'); $data['do'] = 'failed'; } // Free result sqlFreeResult($result_mailid); } else { $data['error_code'] = getCode('ALREADY_CONFIRMED'); $data['do'] = 'failed'; } // Free result sqlFreeResult($result_main); } else { // Not all variables are set $data['error_code'] = getCode('ERROR_MAILID'); $data['do'] = 'failed'; } // Error code is set? handleMailIdErrorCode($data['error_code']); // Insert footer if no image if ($data['do'] != 'img') { // Write footer loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php'); } // END - if // Really all done here... ;-) doShutdown(); // [EOF] ?>