0) && (REQUEST_GET('d') > 0) && (REQUEST_ISSET_GET('t'))) { // Set row name $t = ''; switch (REQUEST_GET('t')) { case 'bonusid': // Bonus mail $t = 'bonus_id'; break; case 'mailid': // Regular member mail $t = 'mail_id'; break; default: // Invalid type DEBUG_LOG(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid type %s detected.", REQUEST_GET('t'))); break; } // END - switch // Valid type? if (!empty($t)) { // Check for data $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT d.gender, d.surname, d.family, b.level, b.points FROM `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_user_data` AS d RIGHT JOIN `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_bonus_turbo` AS b ON d.userid=b.userid WHERE d.`status`='CONFIRMED' AND d.userid=%s AND b.%s=%s LIMIT 1", array(bigintval(REQUEST_GET('uid')), $t, bigintval(REQUEST_GET('d'))), __FILE__, __LINE__); // Entry found? if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) { // Load data $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result); // Prepare constants for the pre-template $content['gender'] = translateGender($content['gender']); $content['points'] = translateComma($content['points']); $content['mailid'] = bigintval(REQUEST_GET('d')); $content['rows'] = BONUS_MAKE_RANK_ROWS(bigintval(REQUEST_GET('d')), $t, bigintval(REQUEST_GET('uid'))); // Constant created within previous function which contains informations for current user's ranking position: // @TODO Rewrite this constant // __YOUR_RANKING_LINE // Load pre-template $content['msg'] = LOAD_TEMPLATE('show_bonus_msg', true, $content); } else { // No data found $content['msg'] = "{--BONUS_SHOW_NO_DATA--}"; } // Free memory SQL_FREERESULT($result); } else { // Wrong type entered $content['msg'] = "{--BONUS_SHOW_WRONG_TYPE--}"; } } else { // Wrong call! $content['msg'] = "{--BONUS_SHOW_WRONG_CALL--}"; } // Load send_bonus header template (for your banners, e.g.?) $content['header'] = LOAD_TEMPLATE('show_bonus_header', true); // Load show_bonus footer template (for your banners, e.g.?) $content['footer'] = LOAD_TEMPLATE('show_bonus_footer', true); // Total ranks who can win $content['total_ranks'] = getConfig('bonus_ranks'); // Load final template LOAD_TEMPLATE('show_bonus', false, $content); // Include footer loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php'); // [EOF] ?>