Upgrade the security in khashmir by using longer TIDs. The TIDs sent with every request that must be echoed on response are very short (one char). They should be lengthened to 20 using the NewID() function from khash. Hashes of files need to be stored permanently. A new database of files and their hashes is needed. It should store the location and hash of the file as well as the modtime and other details so we can check if a file needs to be rehashed on startup. The DB can also be used to store info needed to manage the values stored in the DHT. Add ability to search and hash and DHT-store other directories. The user should be able to specify a list of directories that will be searched for files to hash and add to the DHT. Missing Kademlia implementation details are needed. The current implementation is missing some important features, mostly focussed on storing values: - values need to be republished (every hour?) - original publishers need to republish values (every 24 hours) - when a new node is found that is closer to some values, replicate the values there without deleting them - when a value lookup succeeds, store the value in the closest node found that didn't have it - make the expiration time of a value exponentially inversely proportional to the number of nodes between the current node and the node closest to the value