. */ // =============={ Configuration Begin }============== $settings = array( // Website title 'title' => 'strace.club', // Directory to store uploaded files 'uploaddir' => '.', // Display list uploaded files 'listfiles' => true, // Allow users to delete files that they have uploaded (will enable sessions) 'allow_deletion' => true, // Allow users to mark files as hidden 'allow_private' => true, // Display file sizes 'listfiles_size' => true, // Display file dates 'listfiles_date' => true, // Display file dates format 'listfiles_date_format' => 'F d Y H:i:s', // Randomize file names (number of 'false') 'random_name_len' => 8, // Keep filetype information (if random name is activated) 'random_name_keep_type' => true, // Random file name letters 'random_name_alphabet' => 'qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp1234567890', // Display debugging information 'debug' => false, // Complete URL to your directory (including tracing slash) 'url' => 'http://strace.club/', // Amount of seconds that each file should be stored for (0 for no limit) // Default 30 days 'time_limit' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, // Files that will be ignored 'ignores' => array('.', '..', 'LICENSE', 'README.md'), // Language code 'lang' => 'en_GB', // Language direction 'lang_dir' => 'ltr', ); // =============={ Configuration End }============== // Is the local config file there? if (file_exists('config-local.php')) { // Load it then include('config-local.php'); } // Enabling error reporting if ($settings['debug']) { error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_startup_errors',1); ini_set('display_errors',1); } $data = array(); // Name of this file $data['scriptname'] = pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME); // Adding current script name to ignore list $data['ignores'] = $settings['ignores']; $data['ignores'][] = $data['scriptname']; // Use canonized path $data['uploaddir'] = realpath($settings['uploaddir']); // Maximum upload size, set by system $data['max_upload_size'] = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); // If file deletion or private files are allowed, starting a session. // This is required for user authentification if ($settings['allow_deletion'] || $settings['allow_private']) { session_start(); // 'User ID' if (!isset($_SESSION['upload_user_id'])) $_SESSION['upload_user_id'] = rand(100000, 999999); // List of filenames that were uploaded by this user if (!isset($_SESSION['upload_user_files'])) $_SESSION['upload_user_files'] = array(); } // If debug is enabled, logging all variables if ($settings['debug']) { // Displaying debug information echo '


'; echo '
		echo '
'; // Displaying debug information echo '


'; echo '
		echo '
'; echo ''; // Displaying debug information echo '


'; echo '
		echo '
'; } // Format file size function formatSize ($bytes) { $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); $bytes = max($bytes, 0); $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow); return ceil($bytes) . ' ' . $units[$pow]; } // Rotating a two-dimensional array function diverseArray ($vector) { $result = array(); foreach ($vector as $key1 => $value1) foreach ($value1 as $key2 => $value2) $result[$key2][$key1] = $value2; return $result; } // Handling file upload function uploadFile ($file_data) { global $settings; global $data; global $_SESSION; $file_data['uploaded_file_name'] = basename($file_data['name']); $file_data['target_file_name'] = $file_data['uploaded_file_name']; // Generating random file name if ($settings['random_name_len'] !== false) { do { $file_data['target_file_name'] = ''; while (strlen($file_data['target_file_name']) < $settings['random_name_len']) $file_data['target_file_name'] .= $settings['random_name_alphabet'][rand(0, strlen($settings['random_name_alphabet']) - 1)]; if ($settings['random_name_keep_type']) $file_data['target_file_name'] .= '.' . pathinfo($file_data['uploaded_file_name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } while (file_exists($file_data['target_file_name'])); } $file_data['upload_target_file'] = $data['uploaddir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_data['target_file_name']; // Do now allow to overwriting files if (file_exists($file_data['upload_target_file'])) { echo 'File name already exists' . "\n"; return; } // Moving uploaded file OK if (move_uploaded_file($file_data['tmp_name'], $file_data['upload_target_file'])) { if ($settings['allow_deletion'] || $settings['allow_private']) $_SESSION['upload_user_files'][] = $file_data['target_file_name']; echo $settings['url'] . $file_data['target_file_name'] . "\n"; } else { echo 'Error: unable to upload the file.'; } } // Files are being POSEed. Uploading them one by one. if (isset($_FILES['file'])) { header('Content-type: text/plain'); if (is_array($_FILES['file'])) { $file_array = diverseArray($_FILES['file']); foreach ($file_array as $file_data) uploadFile($file_data); } else uploadFile($_FILES['file']); exit; } // Other file functions (delete, private). if (isset($_POST)) { if ($settings['allow_deletion']) if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] === 'delete') if (in_array(substr($_POST['target'], 1), $_SESSION['upload_user_files']) || in_array($_POST['target'], $_SESSION['upload_user_files'])) if (file_exists($_POST['target'])) { unlink($_POST['target']); echo 'File has been removed'; exit; } if ($settings['allow_private']) if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] === 'privatetoggle') if (in_array(substr($_POST['target'], 1), $_SESSION['upload_user_files']) || in_array($_POST['target'], $_SESSION['upload_user_files'])) if (file_exists($_POST['target'])) { if ($_POST['target'][0] === '.') { rename($_POST['target'], substr($_POST['target'], 1)); echo 'File has been made visible'; } else { rename($_POST['target'], '.' . $_POST['target']); echo 'File has been hidden'; } exit; } } // List files in a given directory, excluding certain files function listFiles ($dir, $exclude) { $file_array = array(); $dh = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) if (is_file($filename) && !in_array($filename, $exclude)) $file_array[filemtime($filename)] = $filename; ksort($file_array); $file_array = array_reverse($file_array, true); return $file_array; } $file_array = listFiles($settings['uploaddir'], $data['ignores']); // Removing old files foreach ($file_array as $file) if ($settings['time_limit'] < time() - filemtime($file)) unlink($file); $file_array = listFiles($settings['uploaddir'], $data['ignores']); ?> <?=$settings['title']?>

Maximum upload size:
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