### WARNING: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED BY ./contrib/todo-builder.sh (uid=/user=quix0r) ###
-./api.php:68:// @TODO Do stuff here
-./autoreg.php:62:// @TODO Add processing of request here
-./beg.php:173: // @TODO Opps, what is missing here???
-./cron.php:62:// @TODO Do stuff here
-./inc/classes/cachesystem.class.php:519: // @TODO Add support for more types which break in last else-block
-./inc/config-functions.php:151: // @TODO Make this all better... :-/
-./inc/config-functions.php:329: // @TODO Call setConfigEntry() somehow
-./inc/config-functions.php:359: // @TODO Call setConfigEntry() somehow
-./inc/daily/daily_beg.php:52:// @TODO This should be converted in a daily beg rallye
-./inc/daily/daily_birthday.php:63:// @TODO Move this out to an extension
-./inc/email-functions.php:113: * @TODO Rewrite this to an extension 'smtp'
-./inc/email-functions.php:209:// @TODO $rawUserId is currently unused
-./inc/expression-functions.php:173:// @TODO FILTER_COMPILE_CONFIG does not handle call-back functions so we handle it here again
-./inc/expression-functions.php:46: // @TODO is escapeQuotes() enough for strings with single/double quotes?
-./inc/extensions/admins/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/autopurge/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/beg/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/bonus/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/doubler/mode-setup.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/doubler/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./api.php:63:// @TODO Do stuff here
+./autoreg.php:57:// @TODO Add processing of request here
+./beg.php:168: // @TODO Opps, what is missing here???
+./cron.php:57:// @TODO Do stuff here
+./inc/classes/cachesystem.class.php:511: // @TODO Add support for more types which break in last else-block
+./inc/config-functions.php:146: // @TODO Make this all better... :-/
+./inc/config-functions.php:324: // @TODO Call setConfigEntry() somehow
+./inc/config-functions.php:354: // @TODO Call setConfigEntry() somehow
+./inc/daily/daily_beg.php:47:// @TODO This should be converted in a daily beg rallye
+./inc/daily/daily_birthday.php:58:// @TODO Move this out to an extension
+./inc/email-functions.php:108: * @TODO Rewrite this to an extension 'smtp'
+./inc/email-functions.php:204:// @TODO $rawUserId is currently unused
+./inc/expression-functions.php:168:// @TODO FILTER_COMPILE_CONFIG does not handle call-back functions so we handle it here again
+./inc/expression-functions.php:41: // @TODO is escapeQuotes() enough for strings with single/double quotes?
+./inc/extensions/admins/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/autopurge/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/beg/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/bonus/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/doubler/mode-setup.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/doubler/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
./inc/extensions/ext-html_mail.php:91: // @TODO Move these arrays into config
./inc/extensions/ext-menu.php:52: // @TODO Convert menu-Id to one coding-standard. admin(edit|_add) => admin_menu_(edit|add), mem(edit|_add) => (edit|add)_(admin|guest|member)_menu
./inc/extensions/ext-newsletter.php:218: // @TODO Move these into configuration
./inc/extensions/ext-top10.php:50:// @TODO Only deprecated when 'ext-ranking' is ready: setExtensionDeprecated('Y');
./inc/extensions/ext-yoomedia.php:120: // @TODO Can this be moved into a database table?
./inc/extensions/ext-yoomedia.php:54:// @TODO Only deprecated when 'ext-network' is ready: setExtensionDeprecated('Y');
-./inc/extensions/forced/mode-setup.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions-functions.php:2239: // @TODO Is this really neccessary?
-./inc/extensions-functions.php:2296:// @TODO This should be rewrittten to allow, more development states, e.g. 'planing','alpha','beta','beta2','stable'
-./inc/extensions-functions.php:439: // @TODO This redirect is still needed to register sql_patches! Please try to avoid it
-./inc/extensions-functions.php:455:// @TODO Change from ext_id to ext_name (not just even the variable! ;-) )
-./inc/extensions-functions.php:595: // @TODO Extension is loaded, what next?
-./inc/extensions/grade/mode-setup.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/html_mail/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:18: * @TODO ADCocktail: All request parameters, BIDausKAS, WIDausKAS??? *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:19: * @TODO ADCocktail: Zero array element is return code! *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:20: * @TODO adgain.de: Textlink-View is a JavaScript URL *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:21: * @TODO ADkracher: Textlink-View is a JavaScript URL *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:22: * @TODO Admono.de: highforcedbanner, traffic from abroad *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:23: * @TODO Ads-AbisZ: HighForced banner, mini layer *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:24: * @TODO Ads-Im-Netz: All APIs provide URLs/JavaScripts *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:25: * @TODO Ads4Clicks: Some has JavaScript as output code, high forced *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:26: * @TODO Affiliblatt: Layer requires script in head *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:27: * @TODO Affiliblatt: Textlinks, popup, popunder, HTML mail, lead *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:28: * @TODO AllAds4You: Traffic from abroad, High-Forced banner *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:29: * @TODO Earn4Webbis: HighForced banner, page peel, mini layer *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:30: * @TODO FuCoExSponsor: Textlink-View is JavaScript! *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:31: * @TODO Fusion-Ads: Has click/banner URL in API response *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:32: * @TODO GeldSponsor.de Requires ID card copy/business reg. *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:33: * @TODO GolloX: Please add full support *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:34: * @TODO LoseAds: HighForced banner, mini layer, all premium *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:35: * @TODO Paid4Ad: HighForced banner, mini layer *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:36: * @TODO Sponsor-Box: HighForced banner, leader board, mini layer *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:37: * @TODO Paid-4-Webmaster: leader board, mini layer *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:38: * @TODO Vario-Ads: HighForced banner, mini layer *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:39: * @TODO SuperPromo24: HighForced banner, leader board, mini/page layer *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:40: * @TODO SuperPromo24: Textlink view is a JavaScript *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:41: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Banner click/view is JavaScript! *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:42: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Forced textlink not correct *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:43: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Layer not correct *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:44: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Sky banner is JavaScript! *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:45: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Surfbar click not correct *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:46: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Textlink not correct *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:47: * @TODO Xijide: Lead/Sale (together) unsupported (no target URL) *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:48: * @TODO Yoo!Media: What is LayerAd compared to Layer click? *
-./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:94:// @TODO network_type_handler is an internal name and needs documentation
-./inc/extensions/order/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double-tab from all lines
-./inc/extensions/other/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/payout/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/rallye/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/register/mode-update.php:367: // @TODO Make configurable through web interface
-./inc/extensions/register/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/sponsor/mode-setup.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/sql_patches/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/surfbar/mode-setup.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/task/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/transfer/mode-setup.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/transfer/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/user/mode-update.php:43:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
-./inc/extensions/user/mode-update.php:559: // @TODO Make configurable through web interface
+./inc/extensions/forced/mode-setup.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions-functions.php:2234: // @TODO Is this really neccessary?
+./inc/extensions-functions.php:2291:// @TODO This should be rewrittten to allow, more development states, e.g. 'planing','alpha','beta','beta2','stable'
+./inc/extensions-functions.php:434: // @TODO This redirect is still needed to register sql_patches! Please try to avoid it
+./inc/extensions-functions.php:450:// @TODO Change from ext_id to ext_name (not just even the variable! ;-) )
+./inc/extensions-functions.php:590: // @TODO Extension is loaded, what next?
+./inc/extensions/grade/mode-setup.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/html_mail/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:13: * @TODO ADCocktail: All request parameters, BIDausKAS, WIDausKAS??? *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:14: * @TODO ADCocktail: Zero array element is return code! *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:15: * @TODO adgain.de: Textlink-View is a JavaScript URL *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:16: * @TODO ADkracher: Textlink-View is a JavaScript URL *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:17: * @TODO Admono.de: highforcedbanner, traffic from abroad *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:18: * @TODO Ads-AbisZ: HighForced banner, mini layer *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:19: * @TODO Ads-Im-Netz: All APIs provide URLs/JavaScripts *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:20: * @TODO Ads4Clicks: Some has JavaScript as output code, high forced *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:21: * @TODO Affiliblatt: Layer requires script in head *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:22: * @TODO Affiliblatt: Textlinks, popup, popunder, HTML mail, lead *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:23: * @TODO AllAds4You: Traffic from abroad, High-Forced banner *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:24: * @TODO Earn4Webbis: HighForced banner, page peel, mini layer *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:25: * @TODO FuCoExSponsor: Textlink-View is JavaScript! *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:26: * @TODO Fusion-Ads: Has click/banner URL in API response *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:27: * @TODO GeldSponsor.de Requires ID card copy/business reg. *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:28: * @TODO GolloX: Please add full support *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:29: * @TODO LoseAds: HighForced banner, mini layer, all premium *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:30: * @TODO Paid4Ad: HighForced banner, mini layer *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:31: * @TODO Sponsor-Box: HighForced banner, leader board, mini layer *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:32: * @TODO Paid-4-Webmaster: leader board, mini layer *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:33: * @TODO Vario-Ads: HighForced banner, mini layer *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:34: * @TODO SuperPromo24: HighForced banner, leader board, mini/page layer *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:35: * @TODO SuperPromo24: Textlink view is a JavaScript *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:36: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Banner click/view is JavaScript! *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:37: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Forced textlink not correct *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:38: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Layer not correct *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:39: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Sky banner is JavaScript! *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:40: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Surfbar click not correct *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:41: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Textlink not correct *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:42: * @TODO Xijide: Lead/Sale (together) unsupported (no target URL) *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:43: * @TODO Yoo!Media: What is LayerAd compared to Layer click? *
+./inc/extensions/network/mode-setup.php:89:// @TODO network_type_handler is an internal name and needs documentation
+./inc/extensions/order/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double-tab from all lines
+./inc/extensions/other/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/payout/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/rallye/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/register/mode-update.php:362: // @TODO Make configurable through web interface
+./inc/extensions/register/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/sponsor/mode-setup.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/sql_patches/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/surfbar/mode-setup.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/task/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/transfer/mode-setup.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/transfer/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/user/mode-update.php:38:// @TODO Remove double tabs from all lines
+./inc/extensions/user/mode-update.php:554: // @TODO Make configurable through web interface
./inc/filter/blacklist_filter.php:105: // @TODO Insert log entry
./inc/filter/blacklist_filter.php:116: // @TODO Insert log entry
./inc/filter/blacklist_filter.php:127: // @TODO Insert log entry
./inc/filter/bonus_filter.php:56: // @TODO This query isn't right, it will only update if the user was for a longer time away!
./inc/filter/forced_filter.php:75: // @TODO This part is unfinished
-./inc/filter-functions.php:120: // @TODO Remove this forced removal after a year or so
+./inc/filter-functions.php:115: // @TODO Remove this forced removal after a year or so
./inc/filter/order_filter.php:132: // @TODO 200 is hard-coded here, swap it out to config + admin_config_order.tpl
-./inc/filters.php:1394: // @TODO No banner found, output some default banner
+./inc/filters.php:1379: // @TODO No banner found, output some default banner
./inc/filter/user_filter.php:279:// @TODO 0% done
./inc/filter/user_filter.php:289:// @TODO 0% done
-./inc/filter/wernis_filter.php:126:// @TODO 0% done
-./inc/filter/wernis_filter.php:136:// @TODO 0% done
+./inc/filter/wernis_filter.php:137:// @TODO 0% done
+./inc/filter/wernis_filter.php:147:// @TODO 0% done
./inc/filter/wernis_filter.php:62:// @TODO 10% done
./inc/filter/wernis_filter.php:80:// @TODO 10% done
./inc/filter/wernis_filter.php:98:// @TODO 10% done
-./inc/functions.php:1231: // @TODO Are these convertions still required?
-./inc/functions.php:1252:// @TODO Rewrite this function to use readFromFile() and writeToFile()
-./inc/functions.php:1556: // @TODO This should be rewritten not to load the cache file for just checking if it is there for save removal.
-./inc/functions.php:1932: // @TODO Find a way to cache this
-./inc/functions.php:2036: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
-./inc/functions.php:2252: // @TODO Rename column data_type to e.g. mail_status
-./inc/functions.php:2602:// @TODO cacheFiles is not yet supported
-./inc/gen_sql_patches.php:98:// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/header.php:66:// @TODO Find a way to not use direct module comparison
-./inc/install-functions.php:107: // @TODO DEACTIVATED: changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('OUTPUT-MODE', "setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', '", "');", postRequestElement('omode'), 0);
-./inc/install-functions.php:455: // @TODO Comparing with DEFAULT_MAIN_TITLE doesn't work
+./inc/functions.php:1229: // @TODO Are these convertions still required?
+./inc/functions.php:1250:// @TODO Rewrite this function to use readFromFile() and writeToFile()
+./inc/functions.php:1554: // @TODO This should be rewritten not to load the cache file for just checking if it is there for save removal.
+./inc/functions.php:1930: // @TODO Find a way to cache this
+./inc/functions.php:2034: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
+./inc/functions.php:2213: // @TODO Rename column data_type to e.g. mail_status
+./inc/functions.php:2563:// @TODO cacheFiles is not yet supported
+./inc/gen_sql_patches.php:93:// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/install-functions.php:102: // @TODO DEACTIVATED: changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('OUTPUT-MODE', "setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', '", "');", postRequestElement('omode'), 0);
+./inc/install-functions.php:497: // @TODO Comparing with DEFAULT_MAIN_TITLE doesn't work
./inc/language/de.php:1150: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
./inc/language/de.php:1166: // @TODO Rewrite these three constants
./inc/language/de.php:46: // @TODO Please sort these language elements
-./inc/language-functions.php:254: // @TODO These are all valid languages, again hard-coded
-./inc/language/install_de.php:153: // @TODO Move this to e.g. ext-smtp
+./inc/language-functions.php:249: // @TODO These are all valid languages, again hard-coded
+./inc/language/install_de.php:155: // @TODO Move this to e.g. ext-smtp
./inc/language/newsletter_de.php:13: * @TODO This language file is completely out-dated, please do no *
./inc/language/order_de.php:71: // @TODO Find better text
./inc/language/rallye_de.php:13: * @TODO Naming convention not applied for language strings *
./inc/libs/wernis_functions.php:432:// @TODO Unused?
./inc/libs/wernis_functions.php:485: // @TODO Something more to do here?
./inc/libs/yoomedia_functions.php:108: $response = YOOMEDIA_QUERY_API('out_textmail.php', TRUE); // @TODO Ask Yoo!Media for test script
-./inc/load_config.php:75: // @TODO Rewrite them to avoid this else block
+./inc/load_config.php:70: // @TODO Rewrite them to avoid this else block
./inc/loader/load-extension.php:13: * @TODO Rewrite this whole file *
-./inc/mails/doubler_mails.php:53:// @TODO Can this be rewritten to a filter?
-./inc/module-functions.php:273: // @TODO Nothing helped???
-./inc/module-functions.php:314: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:1058:// @TODO rawUserId/content is not yet supported
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:1083:// @TODO rawUserId/cacheFiles/content is not yet supported
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:178: // @TODO This and the next getCurrentAdminId() call might be moved into the templates?
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:251: // @TODO This can be rewritten into a filter
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:536:// @TODO Try to rewrite this to adminAddMenuSelectionBox()
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:883:// @TODO cacheFiles is not yet supported
+./inc/mails/doubler_mails.php:48:// @TODO Can this be rewritten to a filter?
+./inc/module-functions.php:268: // @TODO Nothing helped???
+./inc/module-functions.php:309: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:1060:// @TODO rawUserId/content is not yet supported
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:1085:// @TODO rawUserId/cacheFiles/content is not yet supported
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:180: // @TODO This and the next getCurrentAdminId() call might be moved into the templates?
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:253: // @TODO This can be rewritten into a filter
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:538:// @TODO Try to rewrite this to adminAddMenuSelectionBox()
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:885:// @TODO cacheFiles is not yet supported
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:176: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:285: // @TODO Rewrite this to something with include files and/or filter
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:319: // @TODO This may also be rewritten to include files
./inc/modules/admin/what-usage.php:89: // @TODO This code is double, see loadTemplate() and loadEmailTemplate() in functions.php
./inc/modules/admin/what-usr_online.php:49: // @TODO Add a filter for sponsor
./inc/modules/frametester.php:91: // @TODO Rewrite this somehow
-./inc/modules/guest/what-beg.php:51:// @TODO No more needed? define('__BEG_USERID_TIMEOUT', createFancyTime(getBegUseridTimeout()));
-./inc/modules/guest/what-mediadata.php:183:// @TODO Rewrite all these if-blocks to filters
-./inc/modules/guest/what-mediadata.php:67: // @TODO Find a better formular than this one
-./inc/modules/guest/what-rallyes.php:99: // @TODO Reactivate this: $content['admin'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=index&what=impressum&id=' . $content['admin_id'] . '%}">' . $content['login'] . '</a>';
-./inc/modules/guest/what-sponsor_reg.php:293: // @TODO Maybe a default referral id?
-./inc/modules/guest/what-stats.php:111: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten
-./inc/modules/guest/what-stats.php:120: // @TODO This doesn't exclude tester accounts
-./inc/modules/guest/what-stats.php:83:// @TODO This can be rewritten in a dynamic include
+./inc/modules/guest/what-beg.php:46:// @TODO No more needed? define('__BEG_USERID_TIMEOUT', createFancyTime(getBegUseridTimeout()));
+./inc/modules/guest/what-mediadata.php:178:// @TODO Rewrite all these if-blocks to filters
+./inc/modules/guest/what-mediadata.php:62: // @TODO Find a better formular than this one
+./inc/modules/guest/what-rallyes.php:94: // @TODO Reactivate this: $content['admin'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=index&what=impressum&id=' . $content['admin_id'] . '%}">' . $content['login'] . '</a>';
+./inc/modules/guest/what-sponsor_reg.php:288: // @TODO Maybe a default referral id?
+./inc/modules/guest/what-stats.php:106: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten
+./inc/modules/guest/what-stats.php:115: // @TODO This doesn't exclude tester accounts
+./inc/modules/guest/what-stats.php:78:// @TODO This can be rewritten in a dynamic include
./inc/modules/member/what-beg.php:54:// @TODO Can't this be moved into EL?
./inc/modules/member/what-beg.php:63:// @TODO No more needed? define('__BEG_USERID_TIMEOUT', createFancyTime(getBegUseridTimeout()));
./inc/modules/member/what-logout.php:17: * @TODO Rewrite the code to a filter *
./inc/modules/member/what-unconfirmed.php:235: // @TODO cat_id is unused
./inc/modules/member/what-unconfirmed.php:238: // @TODO This 'userid' cannot be saved because of encapsulated EL code
./inc/modules/order.php:71: // @TODO Unused: timestamp
-./inc/monthly/monthly_beg.php:58: // @TODO Rewrite these if() blocks to a filter
-./inc/monthly/monthly_bonus.php:57: // @TODO Rewrite these if() blocks to a filter
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:1518: // @TODO Rewrite these lines to a filter
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:1542: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:1858: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:2026: // @TODO If the EL sub-system can support more than one parameter, this call_user_func_array() can be avoided
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:2158: // @TODO Used generic 'userid' here
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:2376:// @TODO cacheFiles is not yet supported
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:408: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to one or more functions
-./inc/mysql-manager.php:44:// @TODO Can we cache this?
-./inc/pool-functions.php:44:// @TODO "Hook" ext-html_mail into this to allow column `html_msg`
-./inc/revision-functions.php:168:// @TODO This function does also set and get in 'cache_array'
-./inc/template-functions.php:1052: // @TODO <label for="' . $prefix . '_' . $field . '"></<label> not working here
-./inc/template-functions.php:1107: // @TODO Deprecate this thing
-./inc/template-functions.php:1118: // @TODO Deprecate this thing
-./inc/template-functions.php:1240: // @TODO This can be easily moved out after the merge from EL branch to this is complete
-./inc/template-functions.php:1295: // @TODO Add a little more infos here
-./inc/template-functions.php:1694:// @TODO Lame description for this function
-./inc/template-functions.php:1716: // @TODO Move this in a filter
-./inc/template-functions.php:209: * @TODO On some pages this is buggy
-./inc/template-functions.php:298: // @TODO Remove these sanity checks if all is fine
-./inc/template-functions.php:751: // @TODO $userid is deprecated and should be removed from loadEmailTemplate() and replaced with $content[userid] in all templates
-./inc/wrapper-functions.php:3298: // @TODO Find a way to not use direct module comparison
-./inc/wrapper-functions.php:583:// @TODO Do some more sanity check here
-./inc/xml-functions.php:240: // @TODO Handle characters
-./mailid.php:123: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter/function
-./mailid.php:160: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./mailid.php:81:// @TODO Improve check on $data['type'], empty() is not very much ...
+./inc/monthly/monthly_beg.php:53: // @TODO Rewrite these if() blocks to a filter
+./inc/monthly/monthly_bonus.php:52: // @TODO Rewrite these if() blocks to a filter
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:1520: // @TODO Rewrite these lines to a filter
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:1544: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:1860: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:2028: // @TODO If the EL sub-system can support more than one parameter, this call_user_func_array() can be avoided
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:2160: // @TODO Used generic 'userid' here
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:2378:// @TODO cacheFiles is not yet supported
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:39:// @TODO Can we cache this?
+./inc/mysql-manager.php:403: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to one or more functions
+./inc/pool-functions.php:39:// @TODO "Hook" ext-html_mail into this to allow column `html_msg`
+./inc/template-functions.php:1060: // @TODO <label for="' . $prefix . '_' . $field . '"></<label> not working here
+./inc/template-functions.php:1115: // @TODO Deprecate this thing
+./inc/template-functions.php:1126: // @TODO Deprecate this thing
+./inc/template-functions.php:1248: // @TODO This can be easily moved out after the merge from EL branch to this is complete
+./inc/template-functions.php:1303: // @TODO Add a little more infos here
+./inc/template-functions.php:1702:// @TODO Lame description for this function
+./inc/template-functions.php:1724: // @TODO Move this in a filter
+./inc/template-functions.php:204: * @TODO On some pages this is buggy
+./inc/template-functions.php:2501: // @TODO Find a way to not use direct module comparison
+./inc/template-functions.php:293: // @TODO Remove these sanity checks if all is fine
+./inc/template-functions.php:752: // @TODO $userid is deprecated and should be removed from loadEmailTemplate() and replaced with $content[userid] in all templates
+./inc/wrapper-functions.php:3272: // @TODO Find a way to not use direct module comparison
+./inc/wrapper-functions.php:578:// @TODO Do some more sanity check here
+./inc/xml-functions.php:235: // @TODO Handle characters
+./mailid.php:118: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter/function
+./mailid.php:155: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./mailid.php:76:// @TODO Improve check on $data['type'], empty() is not very much ...
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_add_country.tpl:24: <!-- @TODO Rewrite this selection box to our generic functions //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_other.tpl:79: <!-- @TODO Rewrite this selection to one of our functions //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_config_rewrite.tpl:4: <!-- @TODO No title here? //-->
./templates/de/html/member/member_list_unconfirmed_nopoints.tpl:20: <!-- @TODO Nothing to say here? //-->
./templates/de/html/surfbar/surfbar_frameset.tpl:4: // @TODO This redirect kills our own frameset
./templates/de/html/surfbar/surfbar_frame_textlinks.tpl:5: <!-- @TODO These are static lines and should be replaced by a filter (see ext-network/ext-sponsor) //-->
-./js/admin-network-query-api.js:72:// @TODO Add support for checkboxes
-./js/admin-network-query-api.js:73:// @TODO Make progress window working
-./js/ajax-common.js:250: // @TODO Need this be secured?
-./js/ajax-common.js:288: // @TODO Need this be secured?
-./js/install-common.js:116: // @TODO Progress bar is out-of-order: + '<div id="progressbar"></div>'
+./js/admin-network-query-api.js:67:// @TODO Add support for checkboxes
+./js/admin-network-query-api.js:68:// @TODO Make progress window working
+./js/ajax-common.js:245: // @TODO Need this be secured?
+./js/ajax-common.js:283: // @TODO Need this be secured?
+./js/install-common.js:111: // @TODO Progress bar is out-of-order: + '<div id="progressbar"></div>'
./.htaccess:10: # @TODO When ext-imprint is finished RewriteRule ^modules.php?module=index&what=impressum$ modules.php?module=index&what=imprint [L]
./.htaccess:11: # @TODO When ext-terms is finished RewriteRule ^cms/index/wht/agb$ modules.php?module=index&what=terms [L]
./.htaccess:12: # @TODO When ext-terms is finished RewriteRule ^modules.php?module=index&what=agb$ modules.php?module=index&what=terms [L]
./.htaccess:13: # @TODO When ext-terms is finished RewriteRule ^agb.php$ modules.php?module=index&what=terms [L]
./.htaccess:9: # @TODO When ext-imprint is finished RewriteRule ^cms/index/wht/impressum$ modules.php?module=index&what=imprint [L]
### ### DEPRECATION FOLLOWS: ### ###
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:537:// @DEPRECATED
-./inc/template-functions.php:2431:// Removes comments with @DEPRECATED
-./inc/template-functions.php:2439: // Is there a @DEPRECATED?
-./inc/template-functions.php:2440: if (isInString('@DEPRECATED', $line)) {
+./contrib/install_svn.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
+./inc/footer.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
+./inc/header.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
+./inc/loader/load-revision.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:539:// @DEPRECATED
+./inc/revision-functions.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
+./inc/session.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
+./inc/template-functions.php:2439:// Removes comments with @DEPRECATED
+./inc/template-functions.php:2447: // Is there a @DEPRECATED?
+./inc/template-functions.php:2448: if (isInString('@DEPRECATED', $line)) {
+./inc/versions.php:2:// @DEPRECATED