* @todo Exceptions from renderXmlContent() are currently unhandled
public function processMessage ($messageContent, Receivable $packageInstance) {
- // Debug message
- //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('ANNOUNCEMENT-ANSWER-TAG: messageContent(' . strlen($messageContent) . ')=' . $messageContent);
- // Get a template instance from the factory
- $templateInstance = XmlTemplateEngineFactory::createXmlTemplateEngineInstance('node_announcement_answer_template_class');
- // And render the XML content (aka message)
- $templateInstance->renderXmlContent($messageContent);
- /*
- * The template system now stores all required data as 'general'
- * variables, so simply get them. If there is an invalid XML node
- * inside the message, the above method call will cause exceptions.
- */
- foreach ($this->dataXmlNodes as $key => $dummy) {
- // Get the variable from template engine
- $value = $templateInstance->readAnnouncementAnswerData($key);
- /*
- * If value is NULL, a variable hasn't been found. This could mean
- * that *this* node is running an out-dated software or the other
- * peer is using an out-dated announcement_answer.xml template.
- */
- if (is_null($value)) {
- // Output a warning
- self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('ANNOUNCEMENT-ANSWER-TAG: Found not fully supported variable ' . $key . ' - skipping.');
- // Skip this part, don't write NULLs to the array
- continue;
- } // END - if
- // Debug message
- //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('ANNOUNCEMENT-ANSWER-TAG: key=' . $key . ',value=' . $value);
- // Set it now
- $this->dataXmlNodes[$key] = $value;
- } // END - foreach
- // Construct an array for pushing it on next stack
- $messageArray = array(
- // Message data itself
- NetworkPackage::MESSAGE_ARRAY_DATA => $this->dataXmlNodes,
- // Message type (which is 'announcement')
- NetworkPackage::MESSAGE_ARRAY_TYPE => 'announcement_answer'
- );
- // Push the processed message back on stack
- $packageInstance->getStackerInstance()->pushNamed(NetworkPackage::STACKER_NAME_PROCESSED_MESSAGE, $messageArray);
+ // Process message in generic way
+ $this->genericProcessMessage('announcement_answer', $messageContent, $packageInstance)