* Creates a client object for given protocol. This method uses the
* registry pattern to cache those instances.
- * @param $protocol Protocol to create a client object for (e.g. 'http' for a HTTP/1.1 client)
+ * @param $protocolInstance An instance of a ProtocolHandler class to create a client object for (e.g. 'http' for a HTTP/1.1 client)
* @param $socketResource A valid socket resource (optional)
* @return $clientInstance An instance of the requested client
- * @throws EmptyVariableException If a variable is empty unexpectly
- public static final function createClientByProtokol ($protocol, $socketResource = FALSE) {
- // Is the class name valid and is the class there?
- if (empty($protocol)) {
- // Get an instance of this factory
- $factoryInstance = new ClientFactory();
- // Throw an exception here
- throw new EmptyVariableException(array($factoryInstance, 'protocol'), self::EXCEPTION_UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_STRING);
- } // END - if
+ public static final function createClientByProtocolInstance (ProtocolHandler $protocolInstance, $socketResource = FALSE) {
// Default is NULL (to initialize variable)
$clientInstance = NULL;
// Generate registry key
- $registryKey = $protocol . '_client';
+ $registryKey = strtolower($protocolInstance->getProtocolName()) . '_client';
// Is the key already in registry?
if (Registry::getRegistry()->instanceExists($registryKey)) {
$resolverConfigEntry = '';
// Try to read a config entry for our resolver including controller name... ;-)
- $resolverConfigEntry = sprintf("%s_cmd_%s_resolver_class", strtolower($this->getClassPrefix()), strtolower($controllerName));
+ $resolverConfigEntry = sprintf('%s_cmd_%s_resolver_class', strtolower($this->getClassPrefix()), strtolower($controllerName));
// Get the config, this will throw an exception if there is no special command resolver
$resolverClass = $this->getConfigInstance()->getConfigEntry($resolverConfigEntry);
public function getMenuCacheFqfn () {
// Get the FQFN ready
- $fqfn = sprintf("%s%s%s/%s.%s",
+ $fqfn = sprintf('%s%s%s/%s.%s',