// PHP commands/scripts
'fopen', 'fwrite', 'phpinfo()', '\<?', '?\>', 'base64_decode', 'file_put_contents',
'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'display_errors', 'passthru',
- 'call_user_func',
+ 'call_user_func', 'set_time_limit',
// Typical PHP script remote-inclusions and typical include file names
'.inc.php', '.lib.php', '.class.php', 'config.php', '.inc', '_php',
// PHP commands/scripts
'fopen', 'fwrite', 'phpinfo()', '\<?', '?\>', 'base64_decode', 'file_put_contents',
'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'display_errors', 'passthru',
- // Typical PHP script remote-inclusions and typical include file names
- '.inc.php', '.lib.php', '.class.php', 'config.php', '.inc', '_php',
- 'php_', 'class_', '_class.php', 'db_mysql.inc',
- // PHP arrays
- '_phplib', '__callbackparam',
- // Request header being inserted
- 'content-type',
- // /proc/ and other forbidden paths
- 'proc/self/environ',
- ];
- // BLock these words found in User-Agent
- $GLOBALS['ctracker_ua_blacklist'] = array(
- // Compiler/interpreter
- 'bin/g++ ', 'bin/c++ ', 'cc ', 'bin/python', 'bin/python', 'bin/tclsh',
- 'bin/tclsh', 'bin/nasm', '/perl', 'cmd.exe',
- 'nc.exe', 'ftp.exe', 'wget ', 'system(', 'curl ',
- // php.ini settings
- 'allow_url_fopen', 'allow_url_include', 'auto_prepend_file', 'disable_functions', 'safe_mode',
- // PHP commands/scripts
- 'fopen', 'fwrite', 'phpinfo()', '\<?', '?\>', 'base64_decode', 'file_put_contents',
- 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'display_errors', 'passthru',
+ 'set_time_limit',
// Server configuration (e.g. Apache)
// /proc/ and other forbidden paths
- );
+ ];
// Block these words found in POST requests
$GLOBALS['ctracker_post_blacklist'] = [