//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __LINE__ . ']: content[md5]=' . md5($content) . ',sender=' . $this->getSessionId() . ',compressor=' . $this->getCompressorInstance()->getCompressorExtension());
// Create the hash
- // @TODO crc32() is very weak, but it needs to be fast
- $hash = crc32(
+ // @TODO md5() is very weak, but it needs to be fast
+ $hash = md5(
$content .
$this->getSessionId() .
//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('NETWORK-PACKAGE[' . __LINE__ . ']: content[md5]=' . md5($decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE]) . ',sender=' . $sessionId . ',compressor=' . $decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_EXTENSION]);
// Create the hash
- // @TODO crc32() is very weak, but it needs to be fast
- $hash = crc32(
+ // @TODO md5() is very weak, but it needs to be fast
+ $hash = md5(
$decodedContent[self::PACKAGE_CONTENT_MESSAGE] .
$sessionId .