$handlerInstance = $this->getListenerInstance()->getHandlerInstance();
- * Does our deocorated listener (or even a decorator again) have a
+ * Does the deocorated listener (or even a decorator again) have a
* handler assigned? Remember that a handler will hold all incoming raw
* data and not a listener.
$receiverInstance = NetworkPackageFactory::createNetworkPackageInstance();
- * We have some pending decoded data. The receiver instance is an
+ * There is some decoded data waiting. The receiver instance is an
* abstract network package (which can be received and sent out) so
- * handle the decoded data over. At this moment we don't need to know
- * if the decoded data origins from a TCP or UDP connection so we can
- * just pass it over to the network package receiver
+ * handle the decoded data over. At this moment it is not needed to
+ * know if the decoded data origins from a TCP or UDP connection so it
+ * can just be passed over to the network package receiver.
//* NOISY-DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('BASE-LISTENER-DECORATOR[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . '] Going to handle over some raw data to receiver instance (' . $receiverInstance->__toString() . ') ...');
public function visitListener (Listenable $listenerInstance) {
* The listener itself cannot distinguish between node and client
- * traffic. This is why we don't call its monitorIncomingRawData()
- * method.
+ * traffic. This is why its method monitorIncomingRawData() is not
+ * called.
//* DEBUG: */ self::createDebugInstance(__CLASS__)->debugOutput('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' ]: listenerInstance=' . $listenerInstance->__toString() . ' - CALLED!');