Roland Häder [Fri, 17 Feb 2023 08:23:34 +0000 (09:23 +0100)]
- requestIsValid() is now renamed to a propper setter setIsRequestValid() and
with no default (setters don't have default values)
- removed deprecated closing tag ?>
- updated 'core' framework
Roland Häder [Thu, 16 Feb 2023 17:43:13 +0000 (18:43 +0100)]
- updated ApplicationHelper class
- updated getting configuration instance
- emptied deprecated files to have non-cloned installations cleaned up
Roland Haeder [Tue, 24 Mar 2015 18:22:24 +0000 (19:22 +0100)]
Output system is now no longer initialized by loading a centralized
inc/output.php as this was a stupid idea and sometimes the same application
has a console and web part.
Signed-off-by: Roland Haeder <>
Roland Häder [Thu, 20 Dec 2012 21:42:15 +0000 (21:42 +0000)]
Global fix for generating right class name for controller resolver (to make that code part more generic and later move out to 'core' project as a new class/method)
Roland Häder [Wed, 2 Dec 2009 20:10:53 +0000 (20:10 +0000)]
Global fix/add/update:
- index.php updated in all projects from ship-simu
- Missing added
- TODOs.txt updated in all projects
- Missing svn:executable added
Roland Häder [Fri, 2 Oct 2009 23:35:38 +0000 (23:35 +0000)]
Fixed product to produce in farmer, added a lot more XML templates:
- Added more commercial electronics for production and trading
- Added research for radio receiving proposal
- Added generic produce template base_produce.xml (unfinished)
- Added general base_fruit.xml and base_vegetable.xml (unfinished)
- Added more technology for entertainment devices
- Fixed 'product' in base_farmer.xml to 'produce'
- TODOs.txt updated
Roland Häder [Fri, 2 Oct 2009 00:35:21 +0000 (00:35 +0000)]
More technology added (commercial and electronical), TODOs.txt updated
- Transistor technology added which is an eletronical semiconductor device
- Radio receiving research added
- Simple radio receiver added
- Sound equalizer technology added
- Intergrated current technology added (so called "ICs")
- TODOs.txt updated
Roland Häder [Thu, 1 Oct 2009 22:27:29 +0000 (22:27 +0000)]
Farmer and product type added, cellular network updated, TODOs.txt updated:
- New base_farmer.xml and farmer_types.xml added (not yet finished)
- TODO added to cellular_network.xml
- TODOs.txt updated
Roland Häder [Wed, 30 Sep 2009 23:47:31 +0000 (23:47 +0000)]
Basic fuel and tank templates added, typos fixed
- New base_fuel.xml and base_tank.xml added (not finished)
- Typos for all "dimensions" nodes fixed
- Comments added to base_engine.xml
Roland Häder [Fri, 25 Sep 2009 21:06:32 +0000 (21:06 +0000)]
Statics is no longer a technology, cellphone added, several fixes:
- Statics is now a research proposal and therefore no longer a technology
- Several rewrites of templates from attributed to nodes (next rewrite-wave)
- New electronics 'cellphone' added
- New technology 'cellular network' added
- Some fixes
Roland Häder [Thu, 24 Sep 2009 21:59:43 +0000 (21:59 +0000)]
A lot rewrites, engine base template added, naval architecture added:
- All templates are now rewritten to use nodes instead of attributes. Still
'extends' should be used which is fine.
- New template 'base_engine.xml' added which respresents the engine in general
- New technology 'naval architects' added (basicly finished, maybe need changes)
- Some fixes to XML templates
Roland Häder [Wed, 23 Sep 2009 23:23:47 +0000 (23:23 +0000)]
Attributes converted, more technology/research added:
- A lot XMLs rewritten from attributes to nodes
- Technologies added: plastics, laborary equipment, statics, drawings, glass
making, many are not finished or maybe should be converted to research?
- Chemicals prepared (used e.g. for plastics)
Roland Häder [Sun, 13 Sep 2009 13:48:07 +0000 (13:48 +0000)]
Minerals template added, some rewritten, comments added:
- New template base_mineral.xml added which can be used for custom minerals to
fit into the Ship-Simu engine.
- A lot list tags in many templates rewritten. We now use -list as a tag suffix
for any lists.
- A lot more comments added to make the XMLs more clear.
- Research depency removed from building because the technology is the physical
representation of the research results... :)
Roland Häder [Thu, 10 Sep 2009 22:22:41 +0000 (22:22 +0000)]
Technology XML added, prefixes removed:
- New base_technology.xml added which can be used for custom technologies
- Prefix 'building' removed from base_building.xml
- Same for 'contract' from base_contract.xml'
- And for 'research' from base_research.xml'
- TODOs.txt updated